is it ok to wear a lot of make up as long as you remove it at the end of the day?


Active member
and i dont mean if its socially ok...i mean if its good for your skin,as long as you take it off afterwards...when i mean a lot of make up i mean conciler,bronzer or a base,maybe blush,eyeshadow etc...does it harm your skin?



Well-known member
I've found it doesn't really damage my skin that much, but maybe it varies from person to person.
Oddly enough I actually find my skin gets better if I wear makeup every day because I spend ages cleaning it really well after, lol. ;D

I usually wear primer, concealer, foundation, blush and powder on my skin... I don't really have blemishes, a bit of uneven skin tone around my nose and a few blackheads (had them since I was 12, have NEVER been able to get rid of them D
but that's all.

I think if you just cleanse it off really well, tone and moisturize, in my experience it's okay!


Well-known member
I used to believe that makeup or wearing "a lot" of it was bad for your skin. It's a bit of a common belief isn't it? My mother used to say that.

Eventually I realize it's not true. I have friends who do not wear makeup and some have great skin while other have bad skin. I also see women here who have great skin and they wear makeup. But yes like Tahti said just take care of your skin and clean it well and wear sunblock and you'll be fine.


Well-known member
I remember reading in an interview that Aerin Lauder wears foundation every single day, because Estée taught her that it protects the skin from environmental damage.

Just a random thought on the subject.


Well-known member
I agree with what's been said. I actually find that my skin improves when I wear makeup everyday... I think it's mostly because I'm less likely to touch my skin, and also because the makeup is a barrier between my skin and everything else. I always remove my makeup every night, and I think it's fine!


Well-known member
I guess it also depends on the foundation u wear. I bought Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation which gives me beautiful coverage but makes my skin break out, even though i remove my make up in the evening really well.


Well-known member
my granny always says this to me! however i can honestly say that when i go a week with a bare face i see no difference in my skin than if i go a week wearing make up.

as long as you have a good skin routine down then i think it's fine. i always take my make up off when i get home from work. and of course i religiously cleanse, tone and moisturise!


Well-known member
I'm really bad about not taking off my makeup before bed, and it hasn't messed up my skin, thankfully. I'm just so damn tired when I get home from work, all I want to do is fall into bed.


Well-known member
I stopped wearing makeup and my skin improved alot but then again I was wearing ELs Double Wear hmmm?