Well-known member
I was reading a thread and it intrigued me because I had a converstation today withn a friend that was very similar to it. One of the things we touched on, the friend and I, was about "adult students". You know, people who go to/finish college at the age of like age of 25 and older. We were saying how we've met students at our school, we went to the same university, who were 30s and older and many of them didn't finish.
Basically after talking about the idea in general, we thought 35ish is kind of old to go back to school. Even if you finish in 4 years, you'll be about 40 by the time you land a job and everything. You've spent most your adult life working for lower wages. So, do you think there's a certain age where you're just too old to go back to school? Too old to do something else? Why?