Is this brush Fake?! ASAP please!


Well-known member
Honestly? I would ask to see more pictures. I have a real & fake one. There's subtle differences. It's mainly in the metal part of the brush. I posted a vid on youtube is you wanna see- under the same name. FYI: You will have to forward a little bit since I talk about other brushes.



Well from what you said on the video, it was helpful. To be honest I'm just seriously tired of using a sponge to apply my foundation and I hate getting it all over my hands and I've heard SO many people rave about it that I just really want one. So, I suppose I'll try it and see how it goes.. if it's crap then at least it wasn't expensive, aha.


Well-known member
You will love the 187! I seriously was foundation challenged until this brush. Just like you I was using a sponge- hated that I kept having to repurchase.


I can't wait to get it - I'm gonna purchase it - if it's fake then it's fake. It isn't going to be expensive. I'll just buy the 187 from MAC if it's crap. I've heard nothing but absolute raves about this brush, so like you said I should fall in love with it!


Well-known member
I think when you see the amount of 'mac' etc.. brushes they have sold on the feedback, I would say it is fake. One feedback was that she thought it was fake cause all the bristles are falling out.


Well-known member
You say that if it's fake you'll just buy a real one from MAC... why dont you just buy it from MAC to begin with?

This brush is so freakin awesome I find it hard for someone who owns it to want to sell it so my automatic guess is it's fake. There are probably some instances where someone has got two and maybe got one on sale but save yourself the trouble and invest in one from MAC. You wont be sorry. =)

I hope that didn't sound harsh. Not my intention at all.