Is this mac twillery or innuendo? (pic)


Active member
Hi, I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me ID this mac eyeshadow.

I swapped with a girl for mac twillery (from the inventive eyes quad) on a makeup swap site but when it arrived the handwritten label said innuendo. I contacted her and told her she'd sent me the wrong eyeshadow and asked if we could sort it out. She replied and said she was 99% sure she'd just mislabeled it. She had both and had to compare them before sending it as they're so similar and she only wrote the label before sending.

I looked up pics and descriptions of both online and it looks a lot like innuendo to me, but it looks like twillery in some pics too. However, twillery is described as a tan gold taupe and innuendo as a mauvey taupe and the eyeshadow i got is quite mauve and not gold. Though it does look more taupe is certain lights, it is pretty grey. I swatched it when I got it as I thought she may just have mislabeled it and it did swatch quite grey. It also has a really faint blue sheen which I haven't seen anyone but me say but I did find a pic of innuendo that looked like that. I asked her to check the eyeshadow she had left (and it turned out she'd 2 of both) to see if it was a more gold taupe or mauve taupe. When she got back to me she said she'd double checked and just mislabeled what she sent. I said "sorry to sound like a broken record but could you tell me what the other one was like (how you know it's not twillery)" and she said "I compared the one that's still here with my other 2 And the one I have here is innuendo for certain"

It's all been friendly and I hate dragging it out or being difficult but I just can't seem to get a clear answer. I've said I know it might well be twillery that she sent me as I hadn't seen it before in real life but I just wanted to be sure as I'd really wanted twillery based on seeing it online before this. She also offered to do a reversal which I don't want, all I wanted to do was make sure she hadn't sent me innuendo accidently, and if she had, switch them.

Hoping someone will be able to tell me which one I got for certain based on the pic below and descriptions. Have placed some other eyeshadows with it to compare. Thanks!!



New member
Hi there, I replied on my blog but I wasn't sure if you would get the notification or not but I'll copy and paste what I wrote from there onto here for you. "Hey girl, I checked your post and I'm so sorry to tell you that isn't Twillery :( Twillery is like a beige/taupey light golden tan color that is very similar to Woodwinked but much fairer and has no orange or bronze tones to it. If you have ever seen NARS Cyprus the color is very similar but doesn't have the metallic creamy texture that Twillery does. Get ahold of the girl and ask to swap back for the other shade she has. I can't imagine anyone giving this shadow up because it has been very much adored by long time collectors." I'm sorry that this didn't work out for you, it truly is an amazing color. I nearly spent 135 dollars on the same palette off of eBay around Easter! I am so flattered you liked my post nevertheless!


Well-known member
Definitely not Twillery, it's waaaaayyyy too cool!!! It even looks too grey to be Innuendo! It might be Clue, which is actually one of my fave MAC colors of all time, a cool taupe with a very slight blue sheen. Do you want me to take pics for you?


Active member
Thanks so much for your replies! It's funny because the colour I got does look like a light tan in some lights so it is probably very similar to twillery in the pan in at times. However, in other lights it looks really grey and I don't think twillery ever looks like that which is why I wanted my photo to show the greyness in the one I received. So the photo does show it at it's greyest but it's still realistic as you can see by the other colours. I looked at nars cyprus and can actually see the similarity when it looks tan in the pan, however it definitely swatched grey, not tan, and definitely not like woodwinked. Twillery doesn't swatch at all grey does it? The pic was just taken with my phone camera and I would take another pic showing it when it's more tan but I managed to break my phone 2 days ago with a bottle of 7up that wasn't properly closed in my handbag!

I looked at clue and see where you're coming from but I think it looks more like innuendo than clue. As said, this photo is showing the shadow at it's greyest so maybe that's why you think it's too grey to be innuendo. From what I can see, clue has a more general blue grey tone whereas the colour I have is grey brown with a really slight blue hue (but as I said I haven't seen anyone else say that so maybe that's just me!). If you still think it may be clue though then a pic would be great!

Wow $135 was a lot to have to spend to get it. I really don't understand why Mac has so many gold/bronze options in their perm line and only one taupe, I wish there were more! Or even just more LEs. I'm no expert in Mac LE stuff but the girl has a lot of what looks to be older rare mac LE eyeshadows up for swap so I guess she doesn't mind letting it go. I contacted her and asked to switch them. I even offered to do another swap as I have something else on her wishlist just so I can get twillery this time - though technically I'd be swapping for innuendo (I think!) and something else. I just really want twillery!

Thanks again :)


Active member
Have some new pics if someone could please take a look. Without going into too much detail, the girl got me to send back the eyeshadow and when she got it she agreed it wasn't twillery. She seemed surprised (even though I've been saying it all along) and depotted the other twillery she had and sent it to me. I was wondering if someone could please verify it is twillery this time. It's less taupe and more yellow gold than I expected (the colour reminded me of retrospeck straight away) but my idea of twillery could still be wrong. If it's not twillery this time, which I'm afraid it isn't, then she did it on purpose this time which I'd hate to think she'd do. :( My pics are bad quality (phone camera) with no flash but hopefully will be ok. Thanks
