Is this wrong or not?


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Hey guys!
i just wanted to talk about something.
This morning, i was watching the Wendy Williams show, and they brought this video to the viewers attention
YouTube - 7 year old girls going hard on single ladies
"7 year old girls going hard on single ladies by beyonce"
and they were bashing it, talking about how "you shouldnt dance like that in front of uncle bubba at the family reunion cause thats how pedophilia happens..."
and i was SO SHOCKED that people would think like that! granted, i'm not a mom, but when i saw that video i was just like in shock of how good they were! literally, ive watched it probably over 10 times. yes, the outfits are risky, but its a dance comp (a big one, i might add), and they are wearing WELL COVERING shorts and tanks, with ruffles and net sleeves and stuff.... i guess i just dont think its a big deal. they're not dancing like that in public, in corners, and there's people calling them little whores/future prostitutes and stuff... these girls, to me, are STARS! their talents outshine their costumes.

what do you guys think?
id like to hear everyones opinions, especially mommies


Well-known member
They ARE talented, yes... but I couldn't watch more than 15 seconds of the video. It's too weird. I dunno, I guess I'm more of a "let kids be kids" kinda gal... but if the parents want them to be successful dance "stars" I suppose they have to start early.

However, those costumes are mega-inappropriate in my eyes. There is absolutely NO way I would let my 7 year old daughter wear something like that. The least they could have done is made them wear a bodysuit rather than 2 pieces...

However, regarding the future whores/prostitutes thing is just uncalled for. That is an incredibly horrible thing for people to say about 7 year olds! It's not the kids' faults... they should be inquiring about the mindset of the parents rather than the kids.

That's just my 2 cents. Talented girls, but wrong choice in costume (and a few of those moves...).


Well-known member
i agree with you. I think its a top thing with pants, with nude colors in the legs. idk, thats how i think they usually are. Personally, if i was out shopping at like target and a little girl was wearing that, i wouldn't think it was whoreish, id know exactly why she was wearing it. i know its not like daily-wear.

i think regardless of whatever they are doing or wearing, who does on TV/Radio/anywhere and calls little KIDS that?


Well-known member
I agree with you the are VERY TALENTTED, but choreographer shiuldn't have chossen the dance style for 7 yer old years. They're just babies. And the outfits, I wouldn't wear that, on stage...its too sluty and I am 19. I mean a tank top inshort shorts would accpetable, but a bully top and underwear (pretty much) is ridulous, I don't understand whet their parents were thinking. If they were 17, it be accpetable.

I don't know society likes making young girls "sexy" it is rather gross.

But they're are very, very talented.


Well-known member
I LOVE these girls! they have so much energy!!

I danced in major competitions like the one shown in the video for 16 years (I'm 23 now) and loved every minute of it. I'm not trying to start anything, but I'll tell you from my experience that when we flipped through catalogs full of costumes, there were very far and few costumes that would be deamed "appropriate" in some peoples eyes. Dance costumes are usually very tight, show alot of skin and are less conservative because they are meant to show off your body and lines. Judges need to see full extensions such as straight legs, arms and backs. When costumes are less tight, judges can't see your body as well, so points may be deducted.
As for the whores in training, that's just a sad comment. Dance styles are constantly changing and believe it or not, one of the first things a little girl will learn in dance class is to shake her hips from side to side or "booty shake". Plus this routine was probably a jazz/hip hop dance which means lots and LOTs of energy and crowd pumpin'! A routine like this, no matter the age, is VERY TYPICAL if you attend ANY dance comp (trust me, I've attended over 100 in my comp years). Of course you won't see this in a ballet or most tap routines because those are different dance styles.
Anyways, that was my 2 cents
! I hope these girls are doing ok because of the national attention they've received


Well-known member
Originally Posted by QueenBam
i agree with you. I think its a top thing with pants, with nude colors in the legs. idk, thats how i think they usually are. Personally, if i was out shopping at like target and a little girl was wearing that, i wouldn't think it was whoreish, id know exactly why she was wearing it. i know its not like daily-wear.

i think regardless of whatever they are doing or wearing, who does on TV/Radio/anywhere and calls little KIDS that?

I must have missed that, they called them whores? That's could them say that about 7 year olds, thats just cruel bullying. D:


Well-known member
I turned it off almost right away. I just dont like the sexualizing of kids. I mean, the dance in and of itself is kind of sexual. It would be one thing if they were in sweats or leggings dancing around... but the outfits... they honestly remind me of Christina Aguilara's outfit in Lady Marmalade... when she played a prositute. It's just so wrong! These poor kids don't know any better... but seriously, what mother would let their kid do that?! Let kids be kids! They grow up and learn about sex fast enough.

I dont know what this lady said about the girls, but calling them future whores and whatnot is disgusting. It's not their fault theyre dressed like that. Shame on an adult for saying such a thing! These outfits do not define what these girls will grow up to be!


Well-known member
I appreciate the talent, but no way in hell I'd have let my daughter wear/do that when she was taking dance.


Well-known member
These are some very talented little girls. Key word here is "little" girls. The outfit, song and dance was a little too mature for my taste. (booty shaking is one thing...pelvic thrusts are another) My daughter is 12 and I don't think I would be comfortable with her doing this. That being said...I don't feel like this in anyway reflects on the type of person or the morals of these children. They are just performing what was chosen for them.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone, those girls ARE very talented, but some of the dance moves were innappropriate for girls that young. And the costumes are way, way too much and I can't believe anyone thought that was ok for them to be wearing them. Besides the whole outfit being too revealing for a 7 year old, no one has mentioned the fishnet stockings these girls have on their arms!! I think that's what makes the whole outfit look slutty. 7 year olds and fishnet stockings should never even be in the same sentence, let alone be worn by them. But it's not these girls fault, and no one should ever be calling them sluts. They are only doing what they are being told.

It just really makes me sick that now a days, everything is so over sexualized that a choreographer would even think of choreographing a dance like this for girls that young. I have many friends who were in dance all their lives, and their dance routines were never like this. I don't know, call me an old fashioned 26yr old, but I think people need to let kids be kids.


Well-known member
i'm sorry but i'm a dancer and my mom DID let me wear stuff like this. i've seen little girls in less on the beach, i think we need to look at it as just the talent and it's a performance. nothing more.


Well-known member

I think I am way too old to even comment except to say that I don't think young children should be used for entertainment purposes dressed up as something they should not be.. at least not at those ages. I turn things like this off -- call me old fashioned.. but that's what's wrong with society today

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Seriously?? The dancing and the outfits are both completely inappropriate for 7 year olds. Reminds me of the little "pagent girls" who are 5 and wearing more makeup and smaller outfits than 20 year olds and strutting down the catwalk. It turns my stomache that we, as a society, feel the need to sexualize everything. Little pagent queens strutting and blowing kisses, these girls dancing like they are 20 and doing sexual moves. Something is really wrong here! I don't blame the kids though; I blame the parents. wrong...I'd friggin' lose it if I sent my kid to dance school and this was what they were teaching her!


Well-known member
As the mother of a 4 1/2 month old baby...I have every intention of having my daughter in dance classes..if that's what she wants. I love the arts, and I want/hope/wish that Delia loves it as much as I do. With that being said, No...I wouldn't feel comfortable with her wearing that...or dancing like that.

It's not a child's fault when they end up sexually abused...period. With that being said though, the parents/coach shouldn't have them dressing in those outfits, or doing the pelvic thrusts. Then again, I've never viewed popping one's privates an "artform".


Well-known member
They're talented, but I think it's wrong to sexualize children. The costumes, song and dance are too adult.


Well-known member
The girls do have an absolutely amazing dance talent!!!


When I hopefully some day get a kid of my own, I wouldn't let them do that.

I took dance classes as a kid, and that choreography would not have been accepted for that age group.

I agree, that if a kid is going to wear an outfit for something like that it should have the tan bit, sorta like in ice skating outfits.

The dance moves just made me cringe.

I also think something should be said to the fact, that these girls might have requested to do this number after seeing the video. A video that I wouldn't find appropriate for that age either...


Well-known member
Wow. I mean, I see a lot of wasted talent. I see seven-year old girls are trying way too hard to look like grown ups. I'm sure that being a competition, they didn't have much say in their routine, but the choreographer who chose those moves for SEVEN year old LITTLE GIRLS? Disgusting. The moves & the outfits. I've seen lots and lots of little girl dancers & much more tasteful outfits and routines. I understand the need for tight-fitting clothes, both for judging and for ease of movement, but that's going too far. They're obviously replicating mini skirts, belly tops, and knee-high boots in a dancer's 'costume'. Like someone above said, if they were sevenTEEN, it would be an entirely different story. Jeeze. I wouldn't even allow my child to listen to that song, let alone dance like that. At seven, you've got more than enough time to grow up.

I completely disagree with the 'future whores' statement, cos that's definitely pushing it. Also the 'pedophilia' remark, because pedophilia is a disease and not something caused by underage & underdressed children, but you never know WHO is a pedophile, so I would probably keep my child more clothed than that just to make sure.

I've seen waaay too many little girls dressed like that and less in places like the mall. I think it's very inappropriate, ESPECIALLY in those settings & I have to wonder what their parents were thinking.


Well-known member
WTF is wrong with their parents? It's not the girls fault, it's the pArents fault.pol should be talking crap bout their parents and not the lil girls. I don't give a crap how much my daughter loves lancing, she will be dancing to music/style that is age appropriate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
WTF is wrong with their parents? It's not the girls fault, it's the pArents fault.pol should be talking crap bout their parents and not the lil girls. I don't give a crap how much my daughter loves lancing, she will be dancing to music/style that is age appropriate.
