its crunch time! only a few more days!


Well-known member
how many of you are still not done xmas shopping yet? or how many of you havent even started & are waiting til the 24th?!

i'm almost done. i started right after thanksgiving** and i had everything wrapped 2 weeks ago. i'm still searching for the picky ones and the ones i have NO CLUE as to what they want or need.

** i love how i buy things early and then i go back a few weeks later to see that its more than HALF OFF!! haha

happy holidays everyone!


Well-known member
I have to find something for my stepdad. My mom's gift is easy its just a certificate. Thats the last I have to do. For some reason I still feel stressed out and I can't believe its christmas in 3 days.


Well-known member
I always do it early. I've been done for sometime. I just can't stand the crowds and the "rushed" feeling. However, I have been going with some of my family to finish their's crazy out there


Well-known member
I tried to get a lot of it done in Texas, but now that I am home, I can get the really specxfic stuff. I never feel as if I am really done.


Well-known member
I'm pretty much done. Some things will have to wait though until I get more cash flow in so some people will have late Christmas presents. But I haven't bought many this year. Most of them are hand made cup mats mate from Hama beads. And even then it's only one or two friends and immediate family. I dislike Christmas in general and what it's become so I don't go nuts on money. I managed to keep the total cost under £50 which is fine by me.


Well-known member
Ya know... I am lucky! My ma owns a cookie jar shop and I got a lot of presents from here!!!


Well-known member
I actually got half of everyone on my list taken care of the first week of December, the easy people to buy for who I can ask "Tell me what you want. Now." and they can answer easily, so I have a couple options and pick whatever I like best for them. The harder people I just finished up last week.