I've committed a Mac sin, I think...


Well-known member
I was going through my duffel bags of BNIB stuff (yes, bags, there's two, hee hee), and I realized that I have two MSF's I've never used - Petticoat and Naked You.

I think having these items and 1) not using them, and 2) forgetting that I had them in the first place, are considered a major sin amongst the mac community.

So what Mac "sins" have you committed???


Well-known member
They're not that old, so that's not too bad.

I still have a BNIB Metamorph and some people are dying for one. Yet it sits in my Tour de Pink case waiting for its day in the sun. Some people would pay over retail for it!

Same thing with my Inventive Eyes quad, but that's not as bad either.

But lately I've found my collection is growing that I had to do an inventory on Excel. To me, that's a sin, I NEVER forget what things I have and don't have!


Well-known member
oh... god.. yeah.. I think I have a few of those.. or wait.. yeah I do, theres e/s I have ... the old l/e and used once or twice and then never use them again and am now in the middle of debating with my self about selling them so they can go to a better home that will love them more.


Well-known member
I bought Lucky Green through the Gone but not Forgotten program; but then sold it off without wearing it, because it looked WAY too much like Juxt e/s... which I own, but don't really like.


Well-known member
before i really was into mac and joined spectra and didnt know too much about discontinued and limted products, i sold an angel blush for cheap because at the time i didnt realize it was discontinued and worth more than what i sold it for


Well-known member
i remember buying like 3 rayothon lipglasses because from the pics i seen i thought i would love it and i hated it so they jus sat in my room for awhile and people were willing to pay me for them.


Well-known member
not really a sin (well, maybe to some) but...

i managed to snatch one of the last parrot eyeshadows that my MAC counter had, and i sold it to a friend of mine cause i like, never used it. i highly regret doing this, and it's not like she's going to sell it back to me cause she's loves it so much. so now if i want parrot / kicky blue i'll have to bust my ass trying to find a DECENT price for it.


New member
Originally Posted by xiahe
not really a sin (well, maybe to some) but...

i managed to snatch one of the last parrot eyeshadows that my MAC counter had, and i sold it to a friend of mine cause i like, never used it. i highly regret doing this, and it's not like she's going to sell it back to me cause she's loves it so much. so now if i want parrot / kicky blue i'll have to bust my ass trying to find a DECENT price for it.

oh wow.... that really sucks!!!!!


Well-known member
I have a Metal Rock msf that I picked up on eBay (for a less insane price than I see some of them going for) that I haven't used yet. Maybe when summer comes. It's kind of scary looking, so dark-but so pretty I couldn't bear to part with it. I know that suddenly it's become a more wanted msf too, so I feel guilty if I'm not using it...other than staring at it that is.


Well-known member
I have backups of porc. pink, stereo rose, naked you, petticoat and shimpage and have barely made dents in my current collection of all of the above! i guess i just feel better know i have them....


Well-known member
i have a bnib parrot pot that sits there and stares back at me when i'm back at home. i have a lot of backups that i probably will never use, although i'm trying to use all of my stuff. ah well.


Well-known member
My counter had parrot, guacomole, and MSF's until about 2 months ago and I never bought them cause I figured they would sit in the "discontinued" section forever and I could get them later!!!! I ended up being able to get parrot for an awesome swap deal (for a BNIB Lychee Luxe lipglass and 6 empties), but I find that it looks exactly like Sea Me s/s w/ Steamy e/s over it. Exactly!!!....so I never wear it...I can't sell it though cause I would regret it. Now my counter still has like everything from the last 3 or 4 collections and I still won't buy stuff cause I know I will never use it, but I will probably end up regretting that, too!


Well-known member
I got a mac xmas palette for christmas one year. I wasn't really into mac then as I am now. I remember I left it laying around in my room, I stepped on it. It has a huge dent in it now. Poor thing


Well-known member
I have a lot of LE BNIB stuff and I don't dare to use them because they are new and soooo pretty! And I have so many! So first I use the opened ones...
I know, that's insane...


Well-known member
I've had quite a few really rare LE things I've swapped for peanuts just because they weren't quite so sought after at the time and now I totally regret it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xiahe
not really a sin (well, maybe to some) but...

i managed to snatch one of the last parrot eyeshadows that my MAC counter had, and i sold it to a friend of mine cause i like, never used it. i highly regret doing this, and it's not like she's going to sell it back to me cause she's loves it so much. so now if i want parrot / kicky blue i'll have to bust my ass trying to find a DECENT price for it.

... or you could combine shimmermoss and electric eel


Well-known member
i don't think i've ever really committed any mac sins because i've worshipped it since i've had it.... but i have kicked myself in the ass several times for not purchasing shit when it was available.

the good thing about visiting fam in alabama.. the counter here has all the shit that has sold out elsewhere. yay! i got TWO lustrewhite lustreglasses! YAY!!! MY FAV!!!