Ive had my period for over 2 months!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_primer
I am no way a doctor but it is possible that you PCOS ( polycystic ovarian syndrome). All the things you have said sound just like it. It basically is a hormonal imbalance and cyst on your ovaries is part of the condition. It is easily treated with birth control pills to get your hormones in line. There are other treatments though. Do your own research because i am not a doctor. I have had an extra long period like this and my doctor said it could be PCOS or stress. She suggested i take motrin for the bleeding as directed on the bottle until i could come in and see her. The motrin help stop the bleeding.

If you have any questions you can pm me. It couldnt hurt to have your doctor look into it if you have PCOS. Its not life threatening. But if you are bleeding very heavy you need to get treatment no matter what maybe wrong because you could become anemic with all the blood loss.

Just my 2 cents.

This is a good point ....I was thinking you are probably low in iron from all the bleeding....could account for the mood swings

Ms. Z

Well-known member
No it’s not normal. I’ve had this problem and it’s because I have had (and they are back) ovarian cyst, fibroids and endometriosis. I have had surgery twice but that only takes care of it for a few years. I have been told that the only way to permanently get rid of all this is to have a hysterectomy..


Well-known member
I want to thank yall so much for your support I do in fact have PCOS and if anyone has had any of my symptoms I highly suggest you go see a doctor and dont settle for unanswered questions! PCOS is not life threatening but it causes infertility something im dealing with right now. It causes weight gain, insulin resistance, your more prone for diabetes, hair loss, and abnormal hair growth like back hair or a mustache--Luckily I didnt get this one, it causes cystic nasty unstoppable acne and depression. It is serious and doctors need to take it more serious. So if you have symptoms please please go. I thank God I went through this and was able to find out what I had. I have changed my life around I am on a weight loss/ cure journey. I just started a raw food diet you can follow me on youtube and you can see my progress. I hope this thread somehow helps others!

Love you!
Pray for me.


Well-known member
I just saw this thread and wanted to make a quick comment. I noticed you said infertility problems were something you were dealing with. One of my close friends has PCOS. She had all the classic symptoms, and a lot of weight gain. After years, she got on a fertility treatment and was able to have a gorgeous baby girl. It can be frustrating, but if that's something you ever want to do (have a child), it's definitely possible. Best wishes!


Well-known member
Thank you Marusia I leave it in the Lords hand I trust he will give me whatever is in his plans! Thank you so much!


Well-known member
I just cant take the mood swings, blood loss and breakouts anymore.
I'm so glad you finally have an answer for what is going on! That is definitely a relief I'm sure...and my best friend has PCOS and too suffered from some infertility, but once she was on meds and got her hormones regulated she was able to conceive! Keep the faith, it will happen! Good luck


New member
Hi I've also had my period for almost 3 month and I'm try to conceive but can't get pregnant because my period I need help


New member
I'm making a doctor's appt next week but Idk which one do I go to? This maybe a dumb question sorry, but should I go to my obgyn or my regular medical doc? -My story: I'm 24 never been on birth control and have had kind of irregular cycles before. It's usually really early or really late and lasts to the next month. May miss a cycle 1-2xs a yr. This year it completely changed. January I had a reg cycle, Feb no cycle, March 28 to April 29 my cycle lasted. Then i didn't have another cycle until July 6th and today I'm still on, which makes day 40. I have no cramps but heavy bleeding and my clots are way thick! Before this year I never had any of this. I'm constantly changing clothes and sometimes what I eat affects it. Last night I didn't eat or drink after 7pm and my cycle was barely there that morning and like that all the way until about 330pm(i wake up at 445am) and then it was like a murder scene! I hope it's a simple fix. idk if I fit under the disorder yous we're speaking of but I'm so nervous...


Well-known member
Your OB/Gyn would be the best bet for this particular concern. They are specialists of the reproductive system and will be able to provide a full work up and start on the path to a definitive diagnosis.