January haul!*___*


Well-known member
This is my January haul, which means all the products I bought from about the 10th of January 'till yesterday XD
Hope you like it!

(click on the image to see it larger)

From top to botton, left to right:

Gently off eye and lip makeup remover

Microfine refinisher gommage

Oil control Lotion

Sephora professional brush cleaner

Little Sephora pocket blush brush (needed something to carry in my bag!)

Too Faced Shadow Insurance eye primer

Studio Fix powder & foundation

e/s (they all look similar cause the photo and light is not good

Paint pot "bare study"

Zoom Lash Mascara

217 and 266 brushes

Technakohl liner in graphblack

NARS blush "orgasm"

Sephora radiant loose powder


Well-known member
Thanks! XD

I think that the skincare products are really the best I've ever tried *__*

Now I really need to save up for BBR and HK! (In Italy they'll be out in March
how can I resist ONE MONTH AND A HALF without buying anything???