jealous Slovenian girl(s) about MAC :((


Well-known member
someone told me they were to open a store here in Zagreb (although I really think Ljubljana would be first by far ^^ ) but they would make prices so high only "cheerleaders" or "socialites" would want to afford those... wish MAC had about same prices everywhere.. not only is our VAT 22% but there are so many other taxes my head hurts! if it opens I'll sure go to take a snapshot of the prices, just for fun


Well-known member
Grabbed God's balls? I'm sorry but that's the best "saying" I've ever come across. I must use this every day!

I have nothing new to say because everyone else gave great insight.
I think it was just her insecurity and jealousy that came out. You did nothing wrong.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by splattergirl
someone told me they were to open a store here in Zagreb (although I really think Ljubljana would be first by far ^^ )

They did?!

I had a long online conversation with MAC almost 3 years ago and they did say they will extended their services to Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia in the future, but nothing has been said or done until now. I think I'm going to send them another email LOL!

Aww you're too sweet, I think Zagreb is a great city. I've been there several times and in February I'll be flying to London from Zagreb's airport! If MAC opened a store in Zagreb and not in Ljubljana, I would drive there gladly! I'm not sure if guys at the border would like my make up shopping bag though


Well-known member
well, that certainly goes vice versa too, I'd love to see ljubljana again and not only by night, I used to go out to Metelkova ch0 and then wait for the train until 10am, those were the days

and it's less complicated for me to go there than Austria to see H&M since we still don't need a passport

btw... we got the saying "grab the god for the beard" I think but it's all the same


Well-known member
She is jealous! Ignore her, you have offered help (although you didn't have to) and she snaps at you..

Forget about her and don't get her anything because she doesn't deserve it...Cow..
Please don't be sad

As chris crocker says "do the hair flip and keep on living"


Well-known member
Thanks Nora! Oh and I wont be able to get her anything...or get ME anything for that matter because I'm flying to London Luton and there's no MAC there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
Thanks Nora! Oh and I wont be able to get her anything...or get ME anything for that matter because I'm flying to London Luton and there's no MAC there.

Aww that's sad
and it sucks boo. Manchester Airport's got a MAC counter.

Get whatever you want/can from MAC online , i know you won't be able to test or see the prodcuts but you can use specktra for that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Get whatever you want/can from MAC online , i know you won't be able to test or see the prodcuts but you can use specktra for that

Aww I can't do that
You see the shipping and the billing address need to be the same, it's their policy. And the shipping address would be my bf's address and my Visa card has my Slovenian address. I tried before but MAC has turned me down. Politely, true, but turned me down nontheless

So i'm stuck. And Liam wont take me to MAC if I begged him.



Well-known member
A bit late to the topic, but anyway. That comment was really uncalled for. Too bad there isn't a MAC store in Ljubljana, though, I miss it as well and I have to get all of mine from my Dad when he goes to the States on business. So far I haven't met any Slovenian girls who'd know what MAC is.


Well-known member
You're not late, I love it how many girls have responded

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay another Slo girl!!!!!

We really need it. It's a shame how people here think that L'oreal is the best thing that can happen to you makeup-wise!


Well-known member
Regardless of why she felt the need to make such a comment, she should have kept it to herself! That was just rude an uncalled for.
Now she won't be too happy when you bring back MAC goodies for your other friends and she is left out! She will learn her lesson fast enough that a sharp tongue gets you nowhere!! You were very sweet for taking the time to share and if she wasn't interested, she could have just said "thanks, but no thanks".


Well-known member
I mean we got loads of drogerie markt's and loads of girls really shop here (I used to, the whole time I was going out to clubs ans stuff so up to 3-4 yrs ago) but when I discovered there were some brands out there worth a lot more and of much better quality I stopped buying anything other than green apple juice and dog treats in DM

the problem of this nation is, most people are content with what they got! as for makeup, same for nightlife, clothing brands etc. if we really wanted more, maybe we would even have something better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by splattergirl
I mean we got loads of drogerie markt's and loads of girls really shop here (I used to, the whole time I was going out to clubs ans stuff so up to 3-4 yrs ago) but when I discovered there were some brands out there worth a lot more and of much better quality I stopped buying anything other than green apple juice and dog treats in DM

the problem of this nation is, most people are content with what they got! as for makeup, same for nightlife, clothing brands etc. if we really wanted more, maybe we would even have something better.

Hahahaha yeah, girls go to DM shop and they think it's a make up event of the year
Ok i must not be mean
They could at least go to Mueller where there's loads of brands, but still none of the ones we want (MAC, NARS, BOBBI BROWN, STILA, SMASHBOX, URBAN DECAY, THE BODY SHOP, NYX...) We literally have NOTHING lol. And most of the people don't give a damn, yep
That's why we're not seeing any improvement.


Well-known member
oh, right, we got Mullers too, two of them even
and some other expensive stores who charge twice as much as ebay with shipping included, but those brands aren't present there either.. you're in the EU
so I thought you got loads of stuff we don't

well even if that ain't so, you got H&M and I'd eat a cockroach if I could shop in H&M whenever I wanted, last time I did was 4yrs ago, so I am condemned to shop for clothes on ebay

and you're closer to Vienna and Graz where there is MAC but probably pretty expensive too.. at least no customs


Well-known member
Ohhh that's true, you dont have H&M!!
I'm so sorry
I'm sure you'll be in the EU soon, I just hope our politicians stop bickering because it's so childish. I can't believe they're paid so much for what they do.
I would bicker 24/7 for 6000 euros a month as well!!

Hey, Graz is almost 4 hours of driving away, and Vienna is 6 hours with a train (been there last summer). Do you really think I have the time and money for such trips? Ebay actually comes cheaper than that lol.


Well-known member
indeed! it just seems closer geographically (in fact, we have to travel 4h to Graz too, I used to go to organised shopping trips with a friend before) and Vienna 6h, same as Belgrade... been there only once, long before I heard of MAC!
well, it's politicians job to bitch... I don't care who's right or wrong and I am not acquainted with the problem, doesn't interest me at all anymore whether we enter EU or not, I'm going outta here as soon as I finish my law degree! if our politicians were so capable and if our people elected capable politicians at all, we would be further for a long range with our development than we are now. I know there wasn't a war in Slovenia but war isn't the eternal excuse for being narrow minded and greedy, I truly admire your people and you deserve EU, this country in fact doesn't and many many people are totally indifferent or even don't want to enter EU! enough said, I wish them all the self sufficiency on Earth then ^^

sorry for being massively offtopic... but I rarely have a chance to talk to anyone from Slovenia so I want to stress my point and say, "I like Slovenians" :p


Well-known member
Hahaha well said, I couldn't agree more!
I just saw in your siggy that you're moving to the US! Fantastic
(just imagine all the shops and make up brands there!! + all the online shipping


Well-known member
that's the plan, hopefully
if it doesn't come to life, I'll try somewhere nice and cozy in EU
I wouldn't have nothing at all against Ljubljana except that I don't know almost nothing of slovenian, I can somewhat understand the border police guys in train IF they talk slowly as if they were talking to mentally challenged
but thats as far as it gets


Well-known member
Were you helping her or lecturing her?

I'd probably be a touch snappy as well if someone had been lecturing me for two hours on a topic that I wasn't exactly emotionally invested in.


Well-known member
Oops, forgot to check on the thread! Yeah, it was a discussion between us, I would describe myself as helping her, but who knows how she felt, there's always two sides of the medal.

I did get surprised about something, though. As most of you know, I had a bday 2 days ago and her boyfriend bought me a lipgloss and Hello Kitty earrings.
That's a pretty amazing gift - for a guy!! I mean my boyfriend bought me a PC game expansion lol. This might sound ridiculous, but what if she was/is jealous of me as a person? And her retort had nothing to do with the brushes? I can well understand that, I KNOW I would get all pissy if MY boyfriend would get someone else a lipgloss and earrings.