Jewelmarine Glitter


Well-known member
In March I bought Jewelmarine as a huge impulse buy, and I've never once used it. I love it dearly, because the colour is just too gorgeous not to love, but I really have no ideas as to how to use it. Any pointers??


Well-known member
You could apply it over a cream colour base - that would look pretty. You could put it in clear hair gel. You could use a mixing medium and make it a liner.
It really is pretty. I didn't get to buy it though.


Well-known member
If you use a mixing medium then it becomes eye safe so you can use it on your eyes. Besides that you can use it in your hair or in your nail polish.


Well-known member
You can use it in a number of ways!

As an all-over glittery eyeshadow:
Mix some glitter with a drop of mixing medium and dab on eyelid

As an eyeliner:
Mix a little glitter with the liner mixing medium

As apart of a smokey look:
Mix a little with mixing medium and dab along bottom lashline to add some glamour

As a polish:
Mix with clear nail polish

To add sparkle/glitter to an existing polish:
Mix a little of the glitter with you polish of choice

To decorate hair:
Sprinkle a little in hair and seal with hairspray

As bodyart:
Mix with glitter mixing medium and paint on graphics using a pointed brush