Join in, please: Today is great because ----?


Well-known member
I hear so much negativity all day long... how stressful! I'm sure ya'll experience the same thing!?

Today, a friend had a loved-one die, and she was struggling with that news and trying to remind herself that there are positive things in the world.

So, I thought I'd play Pollyanna and encourage ya'll to appreciate whatever it is that made today great. Even on the worst of days, something had to be great, right?

For me, today is great because:
I am alive.
I have a beautiful healthy daughter.
The winter air smells so nice!


Well-known member
So sorry to hear of your freind passing, it's never easy.

Today is great because:
I am healthy & happy!
I get to work with wonderful, positive women at my gym!
I get to pick up my new Jeep Wrangler! W00T!


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but I love the fact you keep strong and think about the positive things in life

I loved today because
- I was off earlier from school and made most of my homework, more than I did in the last few weeks
- I actually learned new things at work today
- I had to give a customer a valentine's card, because my collegue is head over heels with him and I feel proud of myself for actually giving him the card (even though I was blushing like crazy)
- Even though I normally don't like to work on Monday's, today was actually real fun
- I brought back some good memories from a few years back


Well-known member
Today is great because:

- even though I woke up this morning with the UTI from hell and no primary care physician, the AZO I took gave me relief from my symptoms.


Well-known member
Today is great because:

I still have a workout to look foward to. Stress and negativity go out the window during that session, which is followed up by more stress relief.(use your imagination)


Well-known member
Today is great because, eventhough my husband flew out for work (he travels mon-fri) I realize how lucky I am. Every monday I have a chance to reflect, I really take a look around and I can't help but smile knowing how far we have come in the last 3.5 years.


Well-known member
It is the 13th and it is Barbie day!

Tyester has an incredible avatar. Very nice.


New member
Today is wonderful because my son woke up and is feeling better. He has been sick for 4 days now and I hate when my baby is sick.

I am really excited about our upcoming move to Washington and we found a house there!

My husband is home and safe- he is in the Army and just got home from Iraq a few months ago.


Well-known member
i love the idea of this thread...we don't see enough positivity for sure

today is a great day because i can hear birds singing, i'm done with school already, and because it's not raining


Well-known member
...because we're not getting an ice storm
...because I have pretty decent eye make-up rockin' today!
...because it's my friend's birthday
...because it's yet another day I get to go home and cuddle the baby


Well-known member
Well I'll throw my hat in the ring:
I got a new truck and 2 barbies and its raining outside.

the rain is a good thing for me


Well-known member
Today is great because:
No school!! Yay snow!
House is on tonight!
It's almost tomorrow and tomorrow my boyfriend is coming over.
My midterm was postponed!


Well-known member
*points to user name* Today is great because Janice let me change my user name to my ultimate hero (and no-its not James T Kirk!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
...because we're not getting an ice storm

I will second this. We aren't getting one either! Yay!

Still a good day because:
I got to have sweet and sour chicken today for lunch.
There is good tv tonight.
I have all my schoolwork done and I don't have to do much of anything if I don't want to. (Probably of a grad student)
A good friend called and invited me to snurrgggllle her baby. Barely a month old. Already has me wrapped around his little finger.


Well-known member
....because it's
Valentine's Day

...because I'm wearing a pink feather headband with springy red glitter hearts and pink feathers!
...because said headband made my baby daughter laugh and laugh!
...because I'm going to dinner with my husband.
...because I got to see Barbie (but am too poor atm to buy--- oh well!).
...because we didn't get any ice here.
...because everyone in my family is healthy and safe.
