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Just A Few Helpful Hints and Tricks


Seing as I am BROKE and i mother of 2 with more important things than make-up to spend my barely existant paycheck on, i have come up with a few moolah saving tips for everyone.


I know that finding CHEAP colored mascarra is a difficult task, but here is a way to achieve that look with ease of application and ease of cash flow.

Find you a cheap clear mascara kinda like this...

(i use Bonnie Bell but i couldnt find a picture of it)
and apply. When done, take your favorite shade (or the shade that matches whatever look you are doing) and "paint" it on. Start at the base of the lash on the underside and work your way up all the way across the lash line then, do the same on top of the lashes. Then just "brush" them out with your lash comb when they are dry and you are all done.


Thias is a great tip if you like M.A.C.'s fluidline eyeliner, my guess is that you will LOVE this trick...

Take a little bit of Vasaline (yes, thats right i said it)

and mix a little of your favorite eyeshadow color (or whatever color matches the look you are doing) kinda like this...

and TA-DA your done!

If you dont fave a fancy primer for your eyes, like UDPP or M.A.C. Prep and Prime, use any sheer of flesh tone cream color as a base. It makes the colors pop, makes them easier to blend, AND helps them stay on ALL day. I use this one from Mary Kay, its great...


I personally cant afford a $32 make-up brush so i use-drum roll please- Acyrilic Paint brushes! YUP thats RIGHT. You read that right. Brushes like theese...

They work WONDERS!!

I hope this helps all you poor people out there!


Well-known member
Awesome tips! I had thought of putting Vaseline with other products before (cream blush/shadow), but never to dupe Fluidline!


Well-known member
For brushes like angle brushes, fan brushes and flat top brushes, you can buy taklon brushes from the arts and craft store.
They're awesome!