just having a bad day


Well-known member
I just needed to vent

Right now I'm training at (certain office supply store) to be a cashier. I know it doesn't take a genius to operate a cash register, but when it's busy and you're new (2nd day, 1st day on the floor) it's somewhat overwhelming. There are all these buttons to press, codes and offers to remember, alarm things to take off…Plus the pressure of having someone staring over your shoulder watching every single little thing you do is always super uncomfortable.

Anyway, I had work at 8AM and didn't sleep AT ALL the night before because...well...my reasons are kinda lame but ehh. First of all, my bf whom I spend most of my time with went to Arizona to work for a couple months so I'm lonely b/c I don't have a lot of people to chill with anymore, my friend that I don't talk to much took me off his MySpace (I know, sounds super lame, but we used to be good friends, but we don't talk much anymore *that's a long story in itself,* he stood up for me when people talked shit about me and he was always my friend even when I flaked on him, forgot to call him back, or just sort of took him for granted. I know it’s my fault, but IDK…it still hurts), and besides, I'm PMSing. I'm allowed to be emotional =P

The start of my day went pretty well. Not too many people come get school supplies too early =P but it started to get sort of busy and everything just seemed to go wrong. This lady came up with a lot of stuff and was also buying a memory card that's in those plastic box security things and I put it aside because there's a sensor that freaking beeps and beeps when placed on a certain part of the counter so I put it aside and forgot about it. I rang up the other stuff and after I gave her the total and she wrote out a check I realized I forgot the memory card. She got all huffy but her granddaughter(?) said it was fine and she'd pay it herself. OK, so when a check for a large sum of money the manager has to approve it...so I paged manager but she was taking forever to get to the front. The woman looks at my name tag and says, "Oh you're in training. I should have known since there are so many things going wrong with you." with this...smirk or something. It's like...wtf? Shit I'm sorry I forgot about the memory card, but it's not my fault I had to page the manager and she was taking a long time. I told her when the check is a certain amount of money you need the manager’s approval and she started making these fucking dumb snippy/pissed off/annoyed faces. so I finally finished that transaction and then…the stupid memory card wouldn't price the way it was supposed to. It wouldn’t let me override to the correct price so she turns to the guy at the register next to me and says, "can you help her fix that should be fixed since she can't do it." in this total degrading tone and starts laughing like the evil bitch she is. (ok maybe she's not, but she sure was at the moment). I had to call the manager AGAIN. So the lady does one of those rude SIGHS and says, "if I knew it was going to be like this, I would have gone to the other register." Then guy that was watching me came back, looked at me kinda funny and asks if it's my first day in front of the customers. You know it was, asshole. They know it too, but you don't have to blast it like that. At that point I was on the verge of crying. I was so upset and embarrassed and was like...AHHH. Cut. Me. A. Freakin. Break!!! I haven't worked retail in years! I've been going to school and working at a DOCTOR'S OFFICE giving people shots, taking blood, doing charts, paperwork, requisitions, verifying insurance and prescriptions...generally taking care of patients that even though they're sick or in pain or whatever are a hell of a lot nicer than some customers.

I just felt really, really lame and stupid and I know my coworkers were probably talking shit like 'oh she's dumb and slow, she doesn't know what she's doing" type thing. I was just so upset cuz of all that stuff. I miss my bf, my (old) friend doesn't want to be my friend anymore, PMS, lack of sleep...all that built up and I started crying while I was driving home...which probably isn't very safe =P it wasn't even just little tears...I was like hiccupping/sobbing . Hah.

Well, getting thing out and writing made that made me feel better, even if no one reads this. and if you did read this, thanks


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Well-known member
ohhh the first day of work blues. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt when they are new and having a little trouble. We are all in that position at least a few times in our lives and we should not be so mean!

Walk a mile in the new person's shoes!

Things will get better!!


Well-known member
It's always hard & awkward to start a new job. I love the feeling of knowing what I'm doing & not have to think twice, but you have to work up to that...it doesn't start out that way. Customer service is hard, some people can never be pleased, or cut someone a break. Take a deep breath, get some rest & hopefully you feel better. Nothing makes me feel better than rest/sleep


Well-known member
awww...I know it's tough...just take a deep breath and let it go. I don't know why people give new employees such a difficult time. She noticed that you were in training...that should have clued her in to be a little more patient and understanding...what a jerk.

Hope you're feeling better today....


Well-known member
That's pretty shitty. I was a cashier at the mall for a while and it only takes one person to make a good day go bad. I picked it up pretty fast, but I was really slow at folding clothes and putting things in bags for people at first. Also, I think it's pretty ridiculous that someone would give you such a hard time on your first day. It takes time to internalize. Plus every store has a different register, etc.

It's too bad you can't say something like, "Well I should've known you were an asshole given all of things going wrong with you." And then stamped VOID on her forehead.


Well-known member
*pat pat* it's okay, karma will get her in the end.

i just don't understand why some people can't cut others breaks. it's just so mean.


Well-known member
OHHHH Sweetie, I hope you feel better... Don't you just hate when EVERYTHING goes wrong AT THE SAME TIME????


Well-known member
Thanks ladies for your support and comfort! You are all so sweet! I had a MUCH better day yesterday than the day before. I got some rest, got some cute msgs from the bf and got to talk for a long time...and it turned out my friend took me off his list to see how long it would take me to figure it out? I guess that was a hint.

At work, when the jerk guy that was watching over me got there he kinda just ignored me, went to the register, signed me off and signed on without a word. I was kinda like, wtf? uh, hi? So I asked him if he was taking over and gave me this irritated "yeah" and went on ringing people up. lol so I took a break and when I got back and hopped on another register since I only had an hour left. I noticed while I was there that there was sort of a split amongst the employees. You know, the loud "cool" guys that were the jerks and talked about how "fucked up" they got the weekend before and the quieter "not as cool" kids that were really nice and helped out a lot. It was just kind of funny cuz it's like, how old are we now? I thought that phase of our lives was over.

I was just SO GLAD the day was over and when I was done I said goodbye to the people that were actually nice and helpful. I was just training at that particular store because the one I was going to work at was a brand new store and was still being stocked/put together. Hopefully everything will be better at the new store and there wont be so many a-hole co-workers/customers. If not, oh well. F*ck it, right? It's not like I'm planning on this being my career. I just need to make some money to go back to school and pay the bills. Thanks again for all your help!


Well-known member
i'm glad everything worked out for you. I hate starting out at new jobs

I love the "your mom looks like voldemort" thing haha thats hilarious

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
Originally Posted by jayne5787

I just felt really, really lame and stupid and I know my coworkers were probably talking shit like 'oh she's dumb and slow, she doesn't know what she's doing" type thing.

i just wanted to comment on this to hopefully make you feel better. I've been working in retail for about a year now and a couple of weeks ago we hired a new girl at our store, and we happened to work together a lot at first (its a small store so there arent a lot of employees at all). And i want to say that i NEVER thought "oh shes stupid, what is taking her so long" etc. I knew it was normal to take a little bit of time to get used to using new registers (they are different at every fricken store, and so are those stupid machines where the customer swipes there card for debit. confuses the hell out of customers how they are all so different). but anyways, just remember that they all started there new at sometime, and they probably arent making fun of you.