Just need to vent a bit.....


Well-known member
I'm having health, moving, homesick,work issues. I just recently moved to texas. I miss my friends, who happend to all be my co-workers. I'm like only close with one of my co-workers here. My counter is a mess, nothing is organized, unless I do it. Half the time I fix things to come back the next day and have them put back the way they where. I came from a counter of 18 people. There are 7 of us here. We had big fun theme weekends at my old counter, and it seems like at this one no one really gives a shit about them. I have all these great ideas on how to make the counter work more effently and have better business, but I feel like it's falling on deaf ears. I came to texas during a record heat streak, it's caused my Multiple Scerosis to act up worse than ever. I am triping over my own words and am having issues trying to remember things. Half the time my left arm doesn't want to work right. I'm not one to feel sorry for myself, but I have like no friends here and no one to express how I feel to. I just feel so fustrated. It was my idea for my husband to take the job here and he seems to really like it here. But I just want to go back to my old job/friends/home. Any words of advice would be greatly appricated.


Well-known member
you have to just take it one day at a time...that's the best advice i can give, and don't be afraid to take some time for yourself, maybe go visit your friends for a weekend or something or have them visit you, you'll be surprised what a pick-me-up that is! Hope everything gets better for you!


Well-known member
Hey there,

I am sorry to hear you are frustrated and feeling alone. I think what you are experiencing is so normal for recently moving. I have moved many, many times in my life and I remember feeling the exact same way nearly every time.

It is hard not to compare your current situation to the way things were where you came from. Keep in mind that things change. Adjustment is difficult and it takes time to smooth things out. Give your counter a chance, remember that this too is a change for them. Some people take longer to come around than others.

In the meantime, it would probably be best to focus on the most important factor: your health. Put yourself first. Realize that maybe you are being a little hard on yourself and take time to be more forgiving. You need time to adjust and to realize that feeling alone is OK. Nurture yourself so that when things do perk up at work and new friendship opportunities present, you are in the best state of mind to maximize upon those situations.

Hang in there. We are always here for you at Specktra


Well-known member
I'm sorry you are having a hard time and its so hard to go from working in a place with a good attitude to being in one with a rotten one. Moving is hard enough and being away from friends and family --I hope you can make new friends and adjust better -
Believe me when I moved (last year and the year before ) my online communities kept me sane.

I do totally agree take care of your health first and foremost. (((Hugs)))

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