Kicked ass with 2nd MּAּC interview!!!!!


Well-known member
Hi again lovelies! Just an update on my interview process! I had my second interview today (it was a phone one--weird huh?) w/Leslie and it went great! I'm just a little confused about the whole process b/c they don't seem to be sticking to the usual plan (group--> individual--> demo) but whatever! She said they've been so slammed recently so she's had to adjust the process a bit...

Anyway she started off telling me how impressed she and the 2 MAs (that were on duty the night of my demo) were with me. Mainly because I brought in someone who was nowhere NEAR my skintone, and most people usually do--which is pretty normal. (I acutally brought Hope b/c I'm very good friends with her and extremely comfortable doing her makeup. She also has FABULOUS skin which helped keep me at ease, though I realize that won't always be the case!). But anyway she went onto asking me the ["usual"] interview questions:

What brought you to MּAּC? (I was sure to let her know how much I love and respect The MּAּC Motto!!!)
Why the retail industry?
What would you do in scenario A, B, C, etc.?
Are you comfortable working on mature skin? Men?
What would you do if you didn't know the answer to a customer's question?

I think there was one or 2 more ?s but I can't remember what! Anyway she let me know a little more about the freelance/on-call position and if that position was okay with me (HELL YEAH!). I told her I was planning to move closer to the mall anyway, once my lease is up in August, so I'd definitely be sticking around and my availability would increase upon my college graduation. The job is something I'd take very seriously, and I would be BEYOND elated to get it! She said she'll be in Atlanta tomorrow so she'll be giving me a call in a few days to let me know the results!!!
