Kim & Reggie have split


Well-known member
love her! and love them together even more! very sad but its life maybe they'll get back together ....


Well-known member
I liked them together as well. They made a really good looking couple. Hopefully they will get back together.


Well-known member
Woohoo! Maybe now I have a shot with her



Well-known member
Kim wanted to get wifed so badly. It started to get embarrassing. Maybe she'll get that ring she so desperately wants soon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by belle89
Kim wanted to get wifed so badly. It started to get embarrassing. Maybe she'll get that ring she so desperately wants soon.

Yeah she was desperate to get him on lockdown. They're citing the long distance as the main reason - he's in New Orleans for 6 mths of the year and never see one another. I don't buy that (homeboy was based in New Orleans 2 yrs ago wasn't he??!) and reckon after those marriage and kids comments she made, they had "that talk" and he told he he's not ready for that. He's only 24 and she'll be 30 next year - on different pages and in different stages of their lives.

BTW does Reggie talk? I've never heard him speak.


Well-known member
They were a cute couple, but hoestly, I never knew who Bush was til he started dating her. I saw on Wendy Williams today that Reggie wasn't into the "hollywood scene" which seemed pretty obvious
I agree, Kim is trying to be wifed so hard, she needs to stop, it will come when she least expects it.
LOL at "does Reggie talk?"
Prolly doesn't, I watch KUWTK sometimes, and he's barely on the show he he...
I can't wait for people to stop talking about Kim, it gets annoying.
On the other hand, her sisters are entertaining as hell lol


Well-known member
on some serious stuff...

i loved them together.

i woulda banged HER and i woulda banged HIM. cant say that about too many celeb couples lol.


Well-known member
for some reason i really thought they broke up already? lol, i can see into the future! haha
nah seriously, i had a feeling it would not last, he seems much more laid back and she is still into the party scene.


Well-known member
I liked them together as well but I think the whole we didn't spend enough time together story is BS. They were always together & she constantly had pics of them on her blog

I think he pulled a Tony Romo on her. She was dropping marriage hints a little too much.

.....and I agree with with MissResha...those are two I definitely wouldn't mind getting in on with. That's not even my thing but they both were very hot.


Well-known member
I think it was good she was open about marriage and what she wanted- although I've never actually heard (or read) anything about her talking about it. Better she knows what she wants then to hold it in and be unhappy.


Well-known member
^^ i tend to agree but i have heard her many times in interviews mentioning it and i really am not a fan (i do not mind her sisters, but she gets so annoying to me) and even i noticed!


Well-known member
Yeah, I think if she didn't make that sex tape with Ray J they might have made it up the aisle. Also, they might have worked out better if she wasn't getting all crazy about marriage so soon. Reggie is in the NFL and he is still younger. He isn't dumb. He knows he can get so many girls before he retires. Nonetheless, they were a hot couple.


Well-known member
Well, looks like it's back to the old job of making porn flicks. One Night in Kim isn't as entertaining of a title as One Night in Paris was but I'd still d-load it as long as she keeps green light effect out of filming. At least she had some something (8==D) to fall back on to when times got harder....