La Fondue


Well-known member
So I went to this place La Fondue for dessert tonight, delicious fondue. However, when eyeing the dinner menu, it uh.. was odd, to say the least.
Just wanted to share it here cause I found it both disturbing and hilarious D:



Well-known member
I've eaten everything on that list except for Buffalo.

Savage Duck just makes me think of Mythbusters, haha.


Well-known member
Savage duck is the strangest way to describe duck. I would like to see how a savage duck would fare against a wild boar.


Well-known member
I LOVE fondue. I'm Swiss, so we do it every year on Christmas Eve.


Well-known member
I've eaten there with some friends before. You should try the dinner some time, it's pretty freaking good! We had the venison and buffalo. Buffalo meat can be kind of purplish in color so it can freak you out if you're not prepared for it.


Well-known member
Looks tasty! I'm with Lara on this one - except the only thing one the list I haven't eaten (yet!) is llama. Can you tell I'm not a vegetarian?


Well-known member

I am going to start calling people "savage duck" from now on.
I shall practice my phrases..."oh you savage duck!" "don't be such a savage duck!", "Oh yeah! Well you can choke on a/my savage duck you free range chicken!"

Yeah. This is gonna work out well for me.


Well-known member
Um...the only thing I'd be willing to eat there is the cheese, chicken, pork, or beef, lol.

I just CANNOT bring myself to eat 'weird' things. Yanno...weird to me, that is.


Well-known member
Alligator is tasty! I had some at the Gilroy Garlic festival once. Though I'm guessing anything with that much garlic would be delicious.


Well-known member
My older brother used to live in Nelson BC, and when I was visiting him about a year ago we went to a restaurant called The Inner Clove. Every dish heavily featured garlic, even the desserts. It was amazing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
There's a garlic festival?

Count me in! I love me some garlic, oh man.

It's so amazing. You can smell it so far away it's like the hottest thing ever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
It's so amazing. You can smell it so far away it's like the hottest thing ever.

When I was at college (in England), one of my friends was from near Monterey CA, She told me about Gilroy and the garlic festival.

May years later I was driving back from Merced to Palo Alto. As I was driving along I became aware of a very strong garlic smell in the air and, sure enough, Gilroy was just around the corner! I love garlic


Well-known member
Yumm garlic, i could live on garlicy food.

ew i wouldnt eat anything on that menu pretty much!


Well-known member
^^ You will have to go get your own live buffalo from state of chioce and drag it into their kitchen for prepping

You might want to rent a Uhaul and a rifle....maybe some rope...
Keep us posted


Well-known member
When I was doing my zoology degree I never knew buffalo had wings. I had to come to the USA to discover that. I was amazed how small they were on such a large beast. I guess that's how I managed to miss them the first time round
Tasty though!