La Prarie Midnight Rain


Active member
I made a quick stop at neiman's this morning before going to work. I was walking past the perfumery and came across the most intriguing bottle. It looked like a rain drop covered in glitter similars to mac's 3d silver. Well the scent was absolutely amazing. The sales associated spritz some on my wrist and I was in love. She told me it cost 135$ and all of a sudden I snapped back into reality. Sadly I left and went to work.

All day I received compliments on the the fragrance. Even the guy I like from work noticed.

Has anybody here been fortunate enough the try La Praries new fragrance?

Let me know what you think.

I plan to splurge on this real soon!


Well-known member
oh my gosh isn't it AMAZING!!! i got a sample of this in the mail and i MUST have it! i ADORE their silver rain perfume - they're pricey but damn it they smell FAB!