lasting makeup


okay so i had two questions-

whenever i go to concerts, i always want to do my makeup all fun, but by the end of the night it looks like crap. i see some girls after and they look perfectly fine. any tips on making my makeup last in... difficult situations ie. heat and sweat?

and also on a daily basis i wear eyeliner on my waterline blended a little bit into my bottom eyelashes. but it keeps on smudging into a little spot right on the outside of my eyes. i use a stick but i was wondering if anyone knew what i could do differently or such. maybe powder or some product that would set it and stop it from smudging.

thanks gals!


Well-known member
Liquidlast eyeliners stay exactly where you put them until you use something like cleanse off oil. They're quite incredible but I wouldn't use them on the waterline. For a lasting waterline try a powerpoint pencil or a fluidline liner.


Well-known member
I have that smudging problem when I tightline too, but only when I apply it. I usually wipe it away then and I don't have any problems after it dries. I use the Fluidlines.

For the rest of your eye makeup, try a primer!! Urban Decay Primer Potion is a great one. To make my blush last longer, I layer cream and powder blushes. My favorite long lasting foundation is ERA.


Well-known member
Try the fluidlines, they are amazing!
I use to wear Blacktrack and it lasts forever, even after a restaurant + a crazy dancing night until 5 am! I'm always impressed by their long-lasting formula


yeah i've heard about the primer. im kind of cheap so i was hoping maybe a chaper alternative to the urban decay one? oh well i might as well splurge.

and the mac fluidline i've been considering too, no one's had problems with it smudging?


Well-known member
Once fluidline is dry, it simply won't smudge. Go to your nearest M·A·C counter and put some on the back of your hand with a 266 brush in a fine line. Wait about a minute to make sure it's really dry and then try to smudge it.

You really shouldn't use the primer on the waterline.


Well-known member
I love the fluidlines and have NEVER had them smudge once I have applied and allowed to dry. The best part is they come of pretty easily with my regular facial cleanser.


Well-known member
for face: prep and prime skin as a foundation primer, foundation, with some form of powder over it, and then a couple sprays of fix plus.

for eyes: base with urban decay primer potion, and a shadestick or paint in a coordinationg color as your eyeshadow. the use of both UDPP and the shadestick always makes my makeup last FOREVER, even during shows, almost to a point where its hard to get off at night, lol.

for liner: blacktrack fluidline, with carbon shadow over it, or liquidlast liners, which stay on forever.

for lips: prep and prime lip primer, fill in your lips with a pencil lipliner either in a nude color, or in a color similar, or one shade darker, to your lipstick/lipglass. lipstick applied with a lip brush, over lip liner usually works for me. gloss tends to be stickier and for some reason, it just wears off when i wear it to shows. also, check out the pro longwears. they don't budge, if applied correctly.


okay so i bought both the fluidline and primer potion (along with way too much today, ouch) so i'll let you know soon how well it worked for me. thanks everyone!


Well-known member
When I was young and would go out dancing I used this trick to make my lipstick last all night even through drinking and smoking: I would apply lipstick and blot, then apply a little powder over that (pressed worked best for me but loose will work too) and then I'd reapply lipstick. Now-your lips will probably feel a little dry from the powder but your lipstick will not move! I haven't tried it with gloss so I'm not sure how that would go.


Well-known member
For foundation, sometimes I'll mix a little mineral powder foundation into my liquid foundation & it seems to stay better, or use a creme powder to set it. Also, I've had eyeshadow stay forever by using MAC Paints for a base. And then lipstick, it's not fancy, but the Endless Kissable by L'Oreal, I don't usually use the clear gloss on top, but the lipstick stays on ALL DAY when I put it on in the morning getting ready for work. I don't need lipstick the rest of the day. I do use a liner tho, a MAC cremestick usually.


Well-known member
MAC paint in a corresponding skintone under your eyeshadow. I use it every time I need to do "industrial makeup" - particularly in the dog days of gross humid summers.


so girls just want to say thanks. i wore the potion and fludline and they bth held up great. plus i was at work and i work at a pt store lifting dog food and other ish like that. so i woked great.
