Letter I recieved today


Well-known member
I got home from school today and I saw a letter addressed to me from some folks named James up in NY. I didnt know who it was and usually I would've tossed it to the side but I opened it thinking it was from one of my soldiers that I write too (not so much now but I used to send tons of letters.

Well anyway. I sent some letters up to Walter Reed.

So I opened up the letter and in there was some paper but the first thing that fell out with a picture of an army man. I'd never seen him so I figured he had come home whatever. So I put it down and started reading the note. It was from his wife saying, that he had died in October and she was writing back to every person who wrote her because it ment a lot to her. Then enclosed was the funeral ceremony paper they give out at the ceremonies.

I don't know why, I have never met this man, yet I started crying as soon as I read he had died. It was as if the grief of his wife was also inclosed in the letter, and it touched me so deeply.

Guys, I know there are a LOT of folks here who disagree with this war but please dont turn this post into a political post about why are we there and we should or shouldn't be in there because quite frankly, i don't care about that.

Let's all just remember his family in our prayers. I know ya'll probably want to know what his name was but I won't post it only because I don't have his wife's permission. But he's buried over in Arlington Cemetary right now, and one day, I hope I get the chance to go up and visit his grave just so I can say "thank you" for all he has done for us (according to my values and beliefs anyway).


Well-known member
You are so right. A person doesn't have to support the war in order to support the people who have fought in it. They put their lives on the line every day.


New member
That made me cry. The poor family. That wife letting everyone know.

It's a bit much and touches home to me having 2 brothers in the military.

My prayers go out!


Well-known member
there's nothing wrong with having cried for him...i would have done the same. it actually makes me tear up even hearing on the news when someone in the service has died.

i have alot of friends and family over there right now, and everytime someone dies i can't help but think that one of them might have known them and it tears me up to think that they might have and that they just lost someone like that.

i completely feel for you, and i hope you feel better soon <3


Well-known member
i hope you and the solider's family is ok. i always wonder why people have to die. it causes a lot of pain for everyone that that person has touched. my prayers go out to everyone.

i know this is gonna sound corny but i'm gonna say it...
remember that they're never really gone because they'll always be in your heart.


New member
That is so sad... geez, i almost began to cry. My prayers go out to this poor widow!