Lifespan of Paint Pots


Well-known member
I've had Girl Friendly paint pot for 4 months so far and it's still in good condition. I should use it more often and buy more paint pots since I don't want my first paint pot to be lonely.


Well-known member
I have the matte lime paint pot (can't remember the name) and when I opened it up today it looked like the product was shrinking away from the edges! I want to rehydrate it, but have no clue how. I've fixed HIP cream liners by putting water in the pot and letting it slowly absorb back in (turned a stiff, dry eyeliner into a very slick, soft, malleable product again), but I don't know if it'll work with paint pots. I'm heartbroken because I very rarely use it but it's such a gorgeous color, and I don't want it to go the way of all my fluidlines (dried out chunks of color at the bottom of the jar).


Well-known member
could you maybe just take a little bit of the dry paint and add some mixing medium, or eyeshadow base or something on the back of your hand?

i've had three of my paint pots since they first came out, whenever that was...only one of them separated from the sides, and i really have no idea why, because storage for all of them is identical (right side up, but tightly capped). i tend to try and take a bit out on a brush and close the jar asap.

jennixxx: i think they say to store them upside down to prevent further exposure to air...but i thought that applies more to when the pots are actually open.

i don't know what the rule is for how long one should hang on to them, but the only product for which i follow a particular period of time is mascara. with most products you can tell by consistency and smell.


Well-known member
This is the first time I heard about storing the paint pots upside down, so I do not know why.

I'm glad someone mentioned that their Rollickin is a little drier than the rest... I've noticed this too, and it's yr old bc its from Fafi but the first time it was used was 2 months ago. Maybe it's just this particular color.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XxXxX
This is the first time I heard about storing the paint pots upside down, so I do not know why.

I'm glad someone mentioned that their Rollickin is a little drier than the rest... I've noticed this too, and it's yr old bc its from Fafi but the first time it was used was 2 months ago. Maybe it's just this particular color.

that was me with rollickin!
my mum bought mine the back end of last year and it felt dryer than my other pots. now i've had it 7-8 months it's still feels as dry as when i have got it so i guess it just has a different texture to my other ones!

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