Lip Smackers!


Well-known member
Who is in love with Lip Smackers? They are my guilty guilty make up pleasure... cheap, cheerful and smell great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
Who is in love with Lip Smackers? They are my guilty guilty make up pleasure... cheap, cheerful and smell great!

Love 'em too, girl!
I love how shiny they get your lips... haven't found one as good, and with the great flavors! Makes me want to eat them lol.. don't worry, I don't though.


Well-known member
I know they are more appropriate for my almost 5 year old niece - but I can't help myself from buying them. I'm thinking there really isn't an age limit when it comes to Lip Smackers, they're classic!


Well-known member
OMG!!! I am completely addicted to the Pink Lemonade balm!! Have been since I was like eight! Whenever I my mom asks for ideas for gifts for the holidays, I always tell her to get me them. I go through them so fast--partly because I forget to take them out of my pocket sometimes and they don't do so well in the washer and dryer.

Seriously, buy me a box full of them and I'll probably marry you!


Well-known member
Oh wow I love lipsmackers!!
My favorite would definitely be the Strawberry Banana Starburst one! yummm lol


Well-known member
Lipsmackers are okay. I like a lipgloss they make that tastes like frosting.

I feel like I'm the only person in the world who's not in love with lip smackers, haha.


Well-known member
I loved them when I was a kid. But now that I'm older and I've tried a few again, I hate them. They make my lips dry and bumpy.