Lipglass Recommendations?


Well-known member
I was thinking about getting a lipstick, either jubilee or hug me. I usually don't really like wearing lipstick unless I wear lipgloss over it. So I thought about getting c-thru lipglass to put it over either lip color. The thing is that I feel like there a bit of a difference in color. Jubilee and Hug Me are a bit of a neutral/beige pink, while c-thru is more of a peach beige. So my question is, would they look good together? If not, would you guys have any recommendations?


Well-known member
I don't have C-thru but LUST lipglass is very similar to Hug me IMO.


Well-known member
I like C-Thru over lipsticks. It looks good on top of pretty much any lipstick I tried. For my skintone it was too beige though so I couldn't wear it by itself.


Well-known member
i think c-thru looks good almost pretty much everything...but that might just be because i'm relatively pale (nc25.) you might want to try using underage over jubilee/hug me since it's a pretty nice pink.