lipliner to pair with angel l/s??


Well-known member
Okay I need some help! I need a lipliner to pair with angel lipstick but I have no idea how to go about choosing one!
Right now Im about a NW20. I know Kim K wears stripdown but I feel like that may be too dark for me? What do you pair with angel!


Well-known member
Stripdown has more of a brown tone, if you are looking for pink you may want to try Subculture. Whirl & Dervish don't show up on me at all but might work for you.

Stila #9 is my favorite pink lipliner of all time.


Well-known member
I am NW15 and I use Subculture. or nothing depending on my look. Angel is one of my fav lipsticks.


Well-known member
dervish is the best.. not too pinky bright and not too brownish pink either
just neutral pink .. well thats what i think :p


Well-known member
this is by far my FAVE lipstick!! i always use subculture, because it doesn't take away from the pretty color of Angel...


Well-known member
dervish makes it brighter pink and stripdown makes it more browny pink. I actually think the stripdown liner looks really good with angel lipstick. It's not dark brown, it's very light so you can still give it a shot.