Lipstick Help!


Active member
So I am looking at the MAC Lipsticks and I am so overwhelmed...there are so many that I like...Cyber, Rebel, Lady Danger, Morange, Glam...and I am tempted to get Blast o' Blue just to say I have a blue lipstick, lol.

What is your favorite lipstick ( doesn't have to be one listed above )? Has anyone tried the blue? (I am just curious.) And what is your favorite MAC lip gloss?

ALSO: does anyone know where I can get some metallic silver liquid eyeliner? Doesnt have to be MAC, but it needs to show up well.


Well-known member
the blue lippie is incredibly sheer - it applies nothing like it looks in the tube!! you might be disappointed if you want a truly blue!!

My favourites are all lustres, and most of them are LE, but one the best isd VG5 - you cant go past it, its such a universal colour


Well-known member
I'm really loving Russian Red lipstick & Valentine's lip gelee on top..that is gorgeous! Also, Mac makes a Silverstroke fluidliner. It's very pretty!


Well-known member
My fav red is Dubonnett and I am NC25
I also love Barely Lit (LE) and High Tea.
BUT please buy Viva Glam I or V to help the Aids fund. You will feel good and look good!


Well-known member
my favourite lipsticks ever are fresh buzz or danse... both frosts
i wish i got backup's

my favourite gloss's are malibu barbie and pink lemonade

yep i like my pinks


Well-known member
A few of my favorite lipsticks are Brew (LE), Myth, 15 Minutes (LE), and Freckletone. Since I'm a newbie, I only have like 7-ish MAC lipsticks, but these are my absolute favs as of now. Good luck w/ finding a good lipstick!


Well-known member
My new favorite lipstick is Faux. It's a great everyday color for me. I also like Real Doll and Plink!

I love the VGV lipglass, it's a great basic color and looks good over every lipstick I own (all are shades of pinks, though)


Well-known member
My favorite lipsticks are Angel (frost), Cosmo (amplified), and CB96 (frost).

Angel is my HG lipstick because it's a perfectly soft looking pink. Bombshell (frost) is also really nice because it had gold undertones.


Well-known member
my all time fav would have to be viva glam 5...l/s and l/g...both...nothing beats those for a natural but pretty look..
Though im thinking of getting Hug me too...looks really nice at the Mac store,but seems to appear orangey in natural light...but i SO want it!!!


Well-known member
I'm NC30. Right now I use Hug Me on a daily basis, and I really love Blankety. I also have Dubonnet which is a gorgeous shade of red.