Live Chat--A Muse MSF Price Discrepancy on


Well-known member
Thought all of you wanting A Muse items might be interested in my live chat on the US MAC site July 18, 12:30 p.m. CDT:

My name is Barbara. How may I assist you?
Laurie: Hi Barbara! I have just a quick question about pricing on the website if you're able to help...I just ordered a Shooting Star MSF @ 24, but the other two MSFs are showing up at $22.50. Is there a discrepancy on the site, or is the SS more expensive because it's new rather than a repromote?
Barbara: Hi Laurie. There seems to be a glitch in the system which we are working to resolve. Our apologies.
Laurie: No problem! I was just curious as to whether they will all be $24, or if the SS should have been 22.50.
Barbara: I believe all of them are $24/
Laurie: Thanks!
Laurie: Now, a question about use...
Laurie: I'm sort of pale, but with a base color now...usually NW25, now NW30. How should I best use the Shooting Star?
Barbara: With your NW25 complexion, Shooting Star will be gorgeous dusted on the high planes of your face with brush #187. You'll get a luminous bronzy look with it. Simply gorgeous.
Laurie: That sounds easy! (And fortunately I also have the 187!)
Barbara: Terrific! I'm sure you will be pleased.

<end of chat>

So...although Barbara didn't seem 100 percent sure, be prepared for final, shipped orders to read $24 for all the MSFs. Maybe you Gloss girls will get lucky and get the $22.50 price!