(LiveChat) Make Grey Eyes POP + Springtime Skipper Dupe?


Lexi: Hi Barbara. Hope you are well! I have a few questions.
Barbara: Hi Lexi. I'm great thanks. I'm glad to help!
Lexi: I have charcoal grey eyes. They can pull blue or they can pull green depending on what eyeshadows I use, but my question is... do you know any colors that would compliment the grey overall?
Barbara: Gold and copper tones are gorgeous on grey eyes. Let me name some specific eye shadows that will be great.
Lexi: Oh that would be wonderul!
Barbara: Goldmine, Mythology, Amber Lights, Ricepaper and Woodwinked Eye Shadows will be especially pretty on you.
Lexi: Thank you so much! That's very helpful.
Lexi: Could I possibly bother you with one more question?

Barbara: Sure.
Lexi: Do you have any shades that are close (or a shade combination) to the limited edition shadow "Springtime Skipper" that came out with the Barbie collection?
Barbara: Yes, Juxt Eye Shadow is the closest in our current line. I think you will be really happy with the similarity.
Lexi: I'll definitely have to try that. Thanks!
Barbara: You are welcome!
Lexi: Thank you so much for your help and time, Barbara! Have a wonderful day!


Thanks so much for the heads up on the palette!!

I actually was able to pick up the single shadow in a sale from one of the lovely members here on specktra not too long ago