Long Rant--guys, makeup, crap


Well-known member
Lately I have been noticing how mens' expectations have changed so drastically over the course of like 3 years. It's like men expect you to be the picture of perfection and flaws are no longer tolerable to them . I don't know, maybe it's just the guys around where I live but I think that it's so pathetic of them. Why would they kid themselves like that? I'm not writing this because I had some horrible experience with a guy or anything like that. I'm hapilly married and am proud to have a husband that has respect for women as opposed to treating them as though they were objects. It's just that I hated dating so much when I was single, which wasn't even that long ago. I can't imagine what it must be like for all the women who are single now and have to deal with so much crap. Anyways, let me shut up now. I'm boring you to death now, I know. I just want to whether you depend on makeup more to please the opposite sex or because it's what makes YOU happy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonDollParts
I don't know, maybe it's just the guys around where I live...

Yep, it most likely is.


Well-known member
Most of the time, it completely depends on the guy. And as we all know, everyone's different. So I'll agree that it could also be the area (wherever you may be).


Well-known member
I can see what you are saying in some aspects, but I don't necessarily think it is men. I think that a sociatal trend is promoting a very "dolled up" female at the moment.

Tighter clothes, dressier clothes, more make-up, spray tans, foiled hair, tighter bodies, lift that/lazer this, etc. There are all of these things available to women and it ups the bar as to what women can present themselves as, so inevitably, it becomes expected. I am not saying that everyone should do this, I am just saying that is what happens. Each individual should do what feels right to them.

And yeah, a lot of it does depend on where you live. A more cosmopolitan trendy city tends to be more look-focused than a small, rural, country town.

As far as me, I enjoy being female and bettering myself. I go to the gym, salon, etc. I put energy into appearance, but I am ultimately happy with what's inside. I don't depend on my efforts at keeping up my appearance to find happiness. I think that is the key.

And hey, I enjoy looking good for my husband and he enjoys looking good for me.


Well-known member
I know what you mean neondollparts. If I go to the grocery store without hair or makeup done, men will look at me like I'm a homeless person BUT if I wear makeup, do my hair and put on a cute outfit guys will hit on me/check me out or whatever. Its like "Hello! I'm the same person!". I've lived all over the US (PA, OH, ME, OR and CA) and I'm currently in Cali, and the guys here are definitely the worst as far as that is concerned...I hate to stereotype, but Cali guys seem to be the worst as far as objectification of women goes.


Well-known member
i wouldnt agree with what you have to say marni beacuse i was born in los angeles raised in san franscisco and i currently reside in dallas so yeah im a big city girl but i find big citys are actually more layed back then small ones

but i guess its all whon you look at.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
i wouldnt agree with what you have to say marni beacuse i was born in los angeles raised in san franscisco and i currently reside in dallas so yeah im a big city girl but i find big citys are actually more layed back then small ones
but i guess its all whon you look at.

Well, I actually agree with you. I'm in Sacramento, not exactly a "big city", hehe...I just meant Cali guys in general seem to have high expectations when it comes to how us girls present ourselves (I'm sure the guys in Texas do too)...and interestingly enough, pretty low expectations when it comes to treating women right. Of course, this is my generalized personal experience (I always have to put that disclaimer on, or someone will shoot me down for it).


Well-known member
Thank you. This is just to clarify that I know it all depends on everyone's perspective and opinion, but what I was adressing in this thread was more like what Marni was saying in her first comment. I was just venting on the fact that there are surreal standards for females as far as appearance goes. That, I think, leaves very little room for self appreciation and satisfaction. After all the lifts, alterations, cover ups and what not, the general male perspective can be very damaging to womens self esteem. It's especially difficult for younger girls that are just beginning to find an interest in the opposite sex. Of course this is all my opinion, but I'm pretty sure that someone else out there has to be noticing this disturbing trend. It's almost as though flaws and imperfections aren't even tolerable in today's society.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonDollParts
I just want to whether you depend on makeup more to please the opposite sex or because it's what makes YOU happy.

i still dont care what i look like to other people but i need to have my eyebrows on. ever since maybe...college ive gone from doing my hair and makeup to just rolling out of bed and washing my face.\

if i am not at work i will not be dressed and will have zero makeup on


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonDollParts
Thank you. This is just to clarify that I know it all depends on everyone's perspective and opinion, but what I was adressing in this thread was more like what Marni was saying in her first comment. I was just venting on the fact that there are surreal standards for females as far as appearance goes. That, I think, leaves very little room for self appreciation and satisfaction. After all the lifts, alterations, cover ups and what not, the general male perspective can be very damaging to womens self esteem. It's especially difficult for younger girls that are just beginning to find an interest in the opposite sex. Of course this is all my opinion, but I'm pretty sure that someone else out there has to be noticing this disturbing trend. It's almost as though flaws and imperfections aren't even tolerable in today's society.

Your right. This is a visually obsessed age...just think about it...in the 70's you had bloated coked up old men filling stadiums and these days you can't get that far in the music industry unless you have a 'hot' singer.
Girls are expected to be dolled up all the time...even fashionable faces these days remind me of a porn star - all big puffed up lips and tiny noses...Most of the catwalk models look like this these days.