Longtime Lurker


Well-known member
Been lurking for a looooong time and decided I would finally join, didn't join a long time ago as I am a New Zealander and I just felt like if I started talking about stuff people wouldn't understand what I'm going on about. especially if i said something about buying a MAC eye shadow for $38

But any way that probs sound stupid, I finally joined, here i am, if anyone can recommend some good Threads to check out let me know I'd love to meet some NZ'ers too!

Love and Blessings

Soul Unique

Well-known member

Glad that you finally decided to join up.

The great thing about Specktra is that all us girls [and boys] are from pretty much the four corners of the globe, so you're never too far from someone from your home country. I am pretty sure we have quite a few active NZ'ers on here - you'll be fine!

Enjoy the forums!!