Look for a presentation..ugh.


Well-known member
I am a graphic design student and my midterm (which is a presentation) is on Thursday.. We have to look professional and everything, and I've got the clothes portion down (black Bebe leather jacket with ruffles on top of a turquoise Anthropologie dress with more ruffles+black and sapphire oxford pumps
) but I'm kinda stumped on my makeup. It's a one-on-one with the professor, and my professor kinda scares the hell out of me
. He's nice, but extremely critical. I wanna look chic, but since part of the presentation of our portfolio thus far includes several projects that deal with color interaction, I'd prefer not to wear a colorful look because it will definitely distract from the work, and plus, I normally do more natural looks anyway. Can anybody give me some suggestions? I get the idea that this professor is really, really critical of your entire PERSON too, so it's not just my presentation of art haha. Plus, the program is competitive (they only take 40 people, and I'm competing against 250+), so everything counts. Specific colors would be nice too! Thanks, and wish me luck I'm so nervous!!

(attached are two pics of me.. one is the only pic of me I have with super dark makeup, and the other is just what I wore to prom which was a fairly natural look)

p.s. sorry for the dramatic pictures haha.. my prom album and a photoshoot i did for a friends portfolio are all I have on my new comp..)



Well-known member
I'd probably keep it simple with a subtle smoky-ish eye (I'm thinking something like a soft brown or taupe on the lid with a colour like French Grey or Smoke & Diamonds in the crease, and perhaps a touch of black shadow blended really well in the outer v for definition) and a pinky nude lip. That, and make sure the skin was perfected and healthy looking. I think it would look pulled together and professional while not clashing with your outfit or presentation.


Well-known member
I have the same Bebe jacket you're describing (I think) but mine's grey...
it!! Looks fab on!
I think that the look you are using will make a statement in and of itself and you don't want to overdo the m/up...err on the side of keeping that professional and polished, IMO! Especially because your prof's male. Just my 2 cents!

Best of Luck!!


Well-known member
This is probably too late but i would suggest shroom, bamboo, cork, and a little bit of embark on the crease for natural smokey look. Then line the eys with blacktrack. This combo is good for any "professional" look.

Hope you did GREAT on your midterms. I just bombed my math mid on wednesday.


Well-known member
Thank you everybody :] I used black track to make a subtle cat eye and used shroom all over my eyes with wedge to contour. then used nylon to highlight and pink lips with glowy skin ;]