Look I wore for my MAC interview! (Deep Purple day or night smokey) WOC


This is the look I worn on one of my interviews with MAC! It was my last interview so now I'm just waiting for a call back... Fingers crossed!! I decided to keep it somewhat simple since it was still an interview.

Here's what I used:

Skin: MAC Studio Fix Fluid (NC 55), Studio Finish Concealer (NW 50 & NC 50), MAC Embark Eye Shadow, MAC Raisin Blush, Makeup Forever HD Powder.

Eyes: MAC Saddle, Sketch, Arena, Fig 1, Shadowy Lady, Carbon, All That Glitters, and Samoa Silk Eye Shadows.

Lips: MAC Chestnut liner, Jubilee Lipstick, and Wildly Lush Plushglass



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WOW! I want your beautious cheekbones! This is fantastic! I LOVE Samoa Silk with this look... adds an air of sophistication! Good choice & GOOD LUCK lady!