Looking cute in the rain


Well-known member
Oh, you thought I'd have some tips, did you? Quite the opposite...this weather has left me entirely unsure of how to deal with my curls. So, you tell me: how do you look cute when it's raining??


Well-known member
do you mean how to keep your makeup looking cute or just in general? well honestly, when its raining i just want to get to where i want and back! Personally, i always make sure i have an umberalla handy and a jacket with a hood - the umberalla protects my makeup ( i live in ireland, so i have alot of experience with terrible weather!) other then that you can wear pretty much what you want but make sure you have a cute scarf and jacket that will keep yo warm. Oh yeah and make sure you use waterproof mascara! thats all i got!


Well-known member
Just in general, but any hair tips would be appreciated! I'm in New York, and the rain/wind were so bad yesterday that it pretty much rendered my umbrella worthless haha. But yes, waterproof mascara is a must!


Well-known member
These will sure keep ya dry!

Crazy Umbrella Designs


Well-known member
to be honest when the weather is wet i just put my hair in a pony tail and don't bother to straighten it or anything. it always gets messed up! and i always carry an umbrella in my bag!


Well-known member
i flatiron my hair and use redken satinwear blowdry lotion and I was amazed today it was raining and my hair didnt even get curly so maybe a good product and a good flatiron would help you too for when its raining


Well-known member
the weather this weekend was awful! I live in NJ so i know what you mean.. i have a coach umberella (three actually, i love them) but did not even dare take them out in the wind..
when it rains i usually put gel in my hair and leave it curly (my hair is naturally wavy but will curl up in the rain) or i pull it back.


Well-known member
Yeah, rainy days for my curly hair is a day for my earrings to shine. I usually put it in a high ponytail or a low fat bun and wear my dressier earrings.