looking for a cheek highlighter... That glows


Well-known member
hi I was wondering if anyone has tried the jouer cosmetics highlighters cream base?.. I went to Mecca and looked at Nars albatross and kevyn aucoins candlelight and also nars copacabana and got really confused.. I dont want a pale shimmery ghost like glow, more warmer and healthy.. Can someone rec a gorgeous highlighter to try...thanks, Jo


Well-known member
Maybe some of the MAC MSF's ....Soft & gentle, Shimpagne (LE) Most of the lighter ones offer a healthy Glow....Refined


Well-known member
I love Smashbox's Artificial Light Luminizing Lotion in Flash (sort of pinkish). It gives just the right amount of glow in a nice healthy color.


^^ I totally agree with Tish

Soft & Gentle and Shimpagne are essentially the same MSF (on my skin anyway!), so just pick one...it's not chalky, and your highlighting will never be so great! They do have a shimmer to them, so don't pile it on