Looking to change up my hair! Suggestions please?


Active member
I'm looking for a new hairstyle - I'm a little bored of mine. What do you think would be flattering? [edit]I'm NOT looking to cut it into a bob, I still want length! Also, if you could provide pictures that I could give to the hairdresser that would be awesome.

Also, I'm considering getting red highlights - does anyone knwo any good at home kits for this?


Well-known member
I think u should keep the color but get a cute bob... its sexy and so easy to take care of!


Well-known member
^ agree! A style similar to Nicole Richie's bob would look way cute on you!
Idk of any at home kits that are red, sorry. But I think revlon makes some, I just have never used them...that would be cute though, or a caramel-y color.


Well-known member
Thirding the bob. But I'd say something more like Victoria Beckham's bob where it's shorter in the back and longer in the front. I think you just have the face shape to work that really well.


Well-known member
I think you should cut some more layers into our hair.. and have the over all length be about an inch or so past your shoulders. its shorter but not TOO short. I thik it would look great. LO'Real Clolour Rays has a good red highlighting kit. I've used this brand before. its a bit bright though.


Active member
I agree about the bob, it could frame your face perfectly with the right cut. and (although this isn't much help) I've used at home kits with red highlights (i have pretty dark hair) and they definitely dont work as well as other colors if you are looking for a more dramatic change, but for just a little bit, it could be really pretty