Looks vs. Personaliaty


Well-known member
I was just wondering what you all thought about this....

When considering whether or not to start a relationship with some, which is more important to your decision...looks or personality?
Obviously a good mix of both is best, but if you had to choose one or the other.

Like, there's this person that my best friend is looking to get into a relationship with, but she is totally not her "type," (not ugly by any means, but definitely not someone my bf would ever go for) but honestly, she is an amazing person. She asked me what I thought & I'm pretty clueless. I just told her to go with whatever felt right.


Well-known member
Probably personality, for me anyways, because if thats not there I wouldnt really see the relationship working out but you definitely need a bit of both


Well-known member
I definately go for personality now but I have to be attracted to the guy as well. my last relationship of two and half years, I was with a guy who had the looks, well built, football player built and financially well stable. Everyone claimed us to be the picture perfect couple and looked hot together. Unfortunately how we looked on the outside did not match how he treated me. But if you think of it in the long run, the looks are something that are short term, once he starts growing older and chubbier and fatter...then what do you have left if the guy doesn't have the personality??


Well-known member
For me the most important would be the personality, but like the above post said, I would need to feel a little physically attracted to them as well. They don't need to be perfect, as I don't have perfection to offer anybody, but there has to be something that makes me want to be physical with them.


Well-known member
Personality for sure, because when you love a person on the inside the outside will start to look good as well. Also, we all eventually get old anyway. I agree with the previous posters on having some physical attributes that you find attractive, even the little things such as eyes or hands. It helps


Well-known member
At least for me, there has to be SOME physical attraction, but I will take personality over total hunkiness any day. Men also get old and paunchy but their personality stays (well, for the most part!)

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Personality. That's generally substantial and consistent, unlike looks. You have to talk to the other person sometime.

Also, personality can make a person you wouldn't check out on the street more attractive; I haven't dated too many people who are hot at first glance, but they are after spending time with them and noticing physical things I like, like beautiful eyes or a sincere smile. It can also make the hottest person ever look vile to you.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
personality is more important. of course there has to be some attraction to begin with, but with a good personality, attraction grows stronger over time. and who cares how good of a body you have or how flawless your face is, if your attitude stinks and you have no chemistry with the person. pointless.


Well-known member
If I'm in a situation where I know the guy already, personality is important. However, if your unattractive and don't have some other characteristic about you that makes you desireable, i don't think all the personality in the world is going to get you very far.

It's not like guys comes in 2 versions.

Version A.)~ Plain + Personality


Version B.)~ Gorgeous + Jerk

There are PLENTY of attractive men who also have amazing personalities. And there are plenty of plain looking guys who have caustic personalities.

Me personally? I'd turn down the plain guy with the great personality, because I'd rather just wait for the handsome guy with a winning personality to ask me out. Might as well get both right? That way his looks can turn on your body, and the sweet words he tells you can turn on your mind


Well-known member
First come looks for me, gotta have physical attraction. Then personality. It's opposite with regular friends though.

MAC is love

Well-known member
I'm gonna have to go with personality. He can be a total hottie, but if he's absolutely stupid...there ain't no way there's going to be a relationship there! I agree, looks won't last forever...but physical attraction IS important as well.


Well-known member
I think it depends on what you are looking for. If it's just fun and you don't want anything serious then looks. Unless, of course, your idea of fun is conversations and having fun without having to jump in bed then it's personality.

I could see where someone would date someone who was gorgeous just because they are gorgeous. Given the opportunity, I did it. I wasn't 100% on his personality or lack there of but he was gorgeous so it was easier for me to give him the benefit of the doubt. Until I realized that no amount of looks could make up for boredom/cliche frat boy type personality. He was hot but I was so uninterested that I didn't even like making out with him- it felt like I was in a play. Really comes down to what you are looking for at the time and what makes you happy. A lot of my attraction to a guy, even physical attraction, seems to come from our repertoire. My choice would always be personality before looks.


Well-known member
I would have to say personality. Looks don't last forever on anybody unless you get tons of plastic surgery and that just looks nasty. I am attracted to a guy because of his mind and personality. If you like somebody, you will think they are beautiful no matter what they look like.


Well-known member
How about~

Ugly and filthy rich, like 7-8 0's in his bank account.


Beautiful and personality?

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
How about~

Ugly and filthy rich, like 7-8 0's in his bank account.


Beautiful and personality?


simple. marry the ugly filthy rich guy, divorce him, rape him in alimony then live happily ever after with the beautiful personality guy on ugly rich guys money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy

simple. marry the ugly filthy rich guy, divorce him, rape him in alimony then live happily ever after with the beautiful personality guy on ugly rich guys money.

So bad.... lol...


Well-known member
Personality. I really could not care if they are hot or not. Personality is my first choice. Looks can come with it, but I am not looking for a total hunk.


Well-known member
i need a bit of both. looks, usually, are what attracts me first. then comes personality, it'll tell me whether hes worth keeping around.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
How about~

Ugly and filthy rich, like 7-8 0's in his bank account.


Beautiful and personality?

when I was younger...I probably would have gone with ugly and filthy rich...now that I know better...beautiful and personality!

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