lost but found


Well-known member
Okay I'm nto really knew...I've just kinda been lost. I kinda stayed away from MAC for awhile b/c I was spending WAY too much money & suddenly didn't have enough money for other stuff. BUT I miss make-up 'n it makes me uber happy when I get new stuff SOOO I'm BACK!!! I'm definitely excited about looking at the FOTD's stuff b/c it gives me creative ideas.

And for the money problem..I plan on buying stuff from the CCO's & stuff people are selling *hehe* This way I get MAC & its still a bit cheaper..Yea Yea, i'm a flippin genius


Well-known member
Welcome to the forums, nice to see someone so close to me.
Please let one of the staff know if you ever need anything.


Well-known member
OK, we are enablers, but I didn't want to scare the fresh blood off..............


Well-known member
*hehe* silly girls..i've been around these forums before, plus the MAC Group on LJ & Yahoo...I know how the enabling goes
*hehe* I have a question though...I know we have a clearance bin here & they have post about the points, but where are the threads for the actual people selling the items *hehe* Or are those points from only one on one swapping??