Lots of questions needing lots of answer...Product recommendations and general thoughts on MAC eyeshadows, Chanel LP, Glitter and ICE (I know...Am lat


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Lots of questions needing lots of answer...Product recommendations and general thoughts on MAC eyeshadows, Chanel LP, Glitter and ICE (I know...Am late lol) and Inglot

So I have a lot of questions and would appreciate your answers. I occasionally get these MAC Cravings that usually overpower me and I end up at the mall that week and/or online with random ordering which results in me having buyer's remorse and items not getting loved. I figure this time I want to take my time! 1. I have and love pro shadows and have a pro store available in my town. My questions is: How similar are Sketch and Deep Damson, Nocturnelle and Indian Ink? I always hear about these two eyeshadows but see limited reviews. 2. NC20: MAC eyeshadow in Fig.1 love it or hate? Is it too red-based? 3. What do we think of Beautiful Iris? I swapped it away because I thought it lacked pigmentation but it may just have been my method of swatching? It looks quite lovely in the store. NC20, brown eyed here. 4. Mineralize eyeshadow refresh: Are they the same as before? Are they better? Is smutty green worth it? I found Blue sheen and Young punk to be just black bases with glitter throughout but on temptalia's swatches they look quite rich? I usually use them dry! 5. On that note, the glitter and ice mineralize eyeshadows are still up on canadian MAC website and I didn't grab anything from that collex. Are they worth it? I have read that Winterized is amazing and so is shimmermint, so should I grab them while they are still around? 6. Is shimmermint anything like the green from fresh & mint (new mineralize duo)? Is winterized similar to Twilight Falls from Naturally or a permanent MAC eyeshadow? 7. OT: Best undupeable (= no mac equivalent) Inglot eyeshadows? (we have no Inglot here so I may be doing a CP). I particularly like smokey eyes and pastel-y spring colours. I think i have enough neutrals for 10 people. 8. What do we think of the Tarina Tarantino eyeshadow palettes? They are a little bit pricey in Canada but I really like some of the colour combos... 9. I skipped porcelain pink but recently bought Blonde. Are they "similar" in terms of the effect on the face? Should I be remorseful? 10. Similarly, I missed out on Let's Skate paintpot but now find myself lemming it. Was it worth it? Is it worth hunting down? I really like the soft pink extremely dewy look and I was hoping that Miss Liberty from NARS is the powder version of Let's Skate. Finally!!! 11. Chanel Loose Powder....so worth it? so not? What do we think about espielege JC? Any mac dupes?


Well-known member
Well, I can say something to #3 and 4:
I have and love BI. And I'm the same coloring as you. I normally use it with a soft pink on the lid and a darker grey in the crease, and it looks springy, pastelly and lovely. I really think all kinds of purples flatter brown eyes so much!

If you have a look at the mineralize e/s refresh thread, you'll find me complaining about the textures of the MES. Another member posted a swatch of her older MES, and I think my new ones look exactly the same. If you only use them dry, I think it's not worth the bother - I always use them wet, and even then I looked like a disco ball after careful application.

If you can find a Winterized MES, though, get it! I love it - it's the exact opposite of the MES mentioned above - very smooth, no glitter, lovely color which will bring out your eyes.


Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
So I cannot answer all your questions but will try a few.

Generally, I'm not a fan of mineralized e/s and to me they are never worth it. I have some old ones from 2005, then some from 2009 and one from last year and I'll say though the formulation has improved, MAC regular e/s are still far superior and much less fussy.

3. I find Beautiful Iris decently pigmented on me. I used either Painterly p/p or UDPP as base. I'm NW25
11. Chanel loose powder to me is worth it. I've tried many different brands and have now settled on the Chanel. I don't have Espiegel but Chanel JC's are an amazing formula that just feel like your skin when you put it on. You may find a dupe in MAC line but formulation would be very different. Just FYI, I find Chanel blushes last longer on me than MAC's, but Nars and Cargo blushes are the longest lasting on me


Well-known member
Thank you ladies for your input. i have pink explosion and love it but in Canada I can't justify 47$ blushes very often :) It looks like the Loose powder and espielege might have to creep up my list for now!

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