MAC + around 10 min.= $410


Well-known member
hey hey hey. just got back from MAC and i must say im not as impressed with NN as i thought i would be but onto the list:

Mutiny Pig
Bell Bottom Blue Pig
Lovely Lily Pig
Submarine ES
Illegal Cargo ES
Meet The Fleet ES
Ms. Fizz Dazzleglass
Prep n Prime Face
Studio Fix Fluid NC15
Studio Finish Concealer NW20
Pressed Blot Powder
187 Brush
Delft PP
Fix +
MAC Wipes
Gentle off Eye Makeup Remover
263 Brush
Freshwater ES
Beautiful Iris ES
Plum Dressing ES
Swimming ES
Beauty Marked ES
Mascara X


Well-known member
I'm sooooo jealous!!!!!
I dropped a few hints, so hopefully my broke ass will be getting some MAC goodies for Mother's Day! *crosses fingers*
Enjoy your new purchases!


Well-known member
WOW. I agree with you. I was not in love with the total haul but that is the best part. You do not feel like you are crazy if you just pick up a few pieces from the each haul. But enjoy everything, and have fun creating new looks.


Active member
holy haul... that is AMAZING. i'm definitely loving the eyeshadows. if you haven't already tried this... delft p/p + mutiny pig is absolutely gorgeous together.


Well-known member
Great haul ! I really want Muntiny but it is sold out at both the MAC store and MAC counter in my mall


Well-known member
WOW!!! That is such a fabulous haul!!! I think you set a record for so much MAC in such a little amount of time!