MAC Australia


Well-known member
I'm already working for another Estee Lauder company, but I was curious about MAC's grooming guidelines in australian stores?
Piercings y/n? How many? on face? ears?
visible tattoos: yes/no?
unnatural coloured hair eg pink green etc
nail length and colour, can artists have longish brightly coloured nails or do they need to be sports length and clear?
Shoes/heel height. (how high, what styles, boots ok?)
does hair have to be worn up or can you have it down and say, pulled back with an alice band?

Just some curiosities, would be great if you ladies or guys could help me out

oh, and with the piercings/tatts/colourful hair obviously i mean they'dhave be clean and well groomed and not tattoos that could offend. (eg naked people or zomies or what have you).


Well-known member
Dont work for MAC, but work right by them so I'll put in my 2 cents

Piercings y/n? How many? on face? ears? This one Im not sure about, none of the MAC guys & girls around me have any unusual ones. But I have seen guys there with eyebrow piercings, and ears are definitely allowed, but not sure on the number
visible tattoos: yes/no? 99% sure they are ok
unnatural coloured hair eg pink green etc? Yep definitely allowed
nail length and colour, can artists have longish brightly coloured nails or do they need to be sports length and clear? Nailpolish must be MAC nailpolish. As for length, as long as you can do everything with them (i.e. put on falsies) then I think they are fine. Not sure if your allowed acrylics or not though
Shoes/heel height. (how high, what styles, boots ok?) Heels are ok, Im 99% sure your allowed anything as long as they are black. Not sure on the policy about buckles/diamantes or anything


Well-known member
ooh sounds promising.
shall redouble my efforts to suck up enough that they consider my wish to go over there

I love my current company but honestly the dress code is way to strict for me. I have to be a completely different person at work than who i am anywhere else and it reeeaally frustrates me. self expression, people!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girloflowers
ooh sounds promising.
shall redouble my efforts to suck up enough that they consider my wish to go over there

I love my current company but honestly the dress code is way to strict for me. I have to be a completely different person at work than who i am anywhere else and it reeeaally frustrates me. self expression, people!

Oh honey, boy do I understand. Wearing black pants, a black tee, and that stupid white coat gets really, really old. After two years, I was ready to burn all my coats.


Well-known member
i don't even mind wearing all black its the whole: don't paint your nails don't wear shirt collars lower than your collar bone, only really really plain court shoes, only wear your hair up, none on your face and only neutral balanced or whatever makeup (read: only wear the like mink duo on your eyes and a nude lipstick if your regional manager is coming in)

Jade M

Well-known member
Originally Posted by girloflowers
I'm already working for another Estee Lauder company, but I was curious about MAC's grooming guidelines in australian stores?

Okies just pulled out the relevant docs to make sure I am giving you the correct info, not just what I do

The MAC Dress Code in a nutshell - its quite a detailed document, but here are the bits that will answer your Q's:
  • 100% professional black clothing (no logos, pinstriping etc)
  • jewellery or accessories must be black (silver also acceptable)
  • Shoes must be all black and must be enclosed if working in a department store location.
  • Hosiery must be black or neutral
  • hair accessories or hats can't detract from the makeup
  • hair must be clean, and tidy - styled in trend. NO restriction on colour.
  • Nails should be manicured and only MAC polish may be worn (doesn't mention legnth - but common sense says that they shouldn't be too long for safety etc)

Hope that helps you

Jade M

Well-known member
Piercings aren't mentioned, so should be fine, as long as they are hygienic and safe lol.

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