MAC - Balloonacy Discussion

Pink Xenomorph

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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Damn. Sounds like quite a few people are completely underwhelmed and unimpressed with this collection. At least that'll probably mean that I can wait to get the quad and maybe one of the pigments (I'm just happy that I don't absolutely have to have those two pigments so if they sell out, I won't be too homicidal). The pencil in Iris Eyes looks beautiful but I have cool hispanic girl coloring--no idea what foundation/concealer/powder color I wear since I don't have to wear any of it and would probably go crazy if I did--so I don't know if it'll look decent or even pretty on me since I've got no way to get to a MAC counter. Must check the swatches thread to see if anyone's posted pictures.

I'm rather disappointed that the purple lipstick isn't actually purple yet again. I've taken to making my own purple nowadays, with an undertone of Shu Uemura's blue lipstick and whatever pink or red I feel like for the day. (i like lots of blue in my purples)

And hell, if the quad sells out, I can always make a shade of purple that'll be close enough to it to where I'll be happy.

......damn, it seems that I'm a bit underwhelmed too. And since all the summer collections will likely be warm-toned tanned-skin hued things, I probably won't be buying any MAC for a while, then. How utterly depressing.


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

I went and got my haul today. Personally I loved the two pigments. Helium is gorgeous, and Viz-a-violet was a very pretty shimmery purple. Both haved stayed on me all day. I also got the quad which, to me is beautiful. Hmmm, what else, oh I also got Perky l/g and the green soft sparkle penicl. I wasn't sure if I was going to like the shade of this, but to my surprise I did. I think it would compliment a lot of colors. I am even considering getting the gold one as I think that would go great with the metalic trend.
The only thing I was really disappointed in was the high-light powders. Once the glitter came off, it was this awful chalky color that faded fast. Other than that I have to say I was a huge fan of this collection


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Hmm, I wear them with my colored contacts and never had a problem,.. but a large number of people have trouble wearing them with contacts,... so its probably a personal judgement call.

Please excuse my stupidity, but what sort of problems do people have? I have contacts but I am looking forward to the softsparkle pencils,

And besides two of the pigments (not getting the olive one), nightsky and goldenrod are two things I am getting.

I have never had lip stuff either be too dark, too purple or turn an odd shade of orange on me until balloonacy.


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

I think I can avoid the highlight powders completely they seem to have a predominant "suck factor". All though I do love the balloon type embossing.
I have seen some nice pics of Silly Girl and it looks great. There is a nice clear pic of it at MUA if anyone is interested in viewing it.
Just search for Balloonacy.
I think I am going to get stuck buying all of those eyeliners.
Hopefully they are not rough and smudgy.


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Silly Girl looked pretty in the tube but just looked like a film of whitish frost on my pigmented lips, and it didn't look much better over the lippies I bought IMO.
My first impressions of Festivity and Up Note were pretty positive though.


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by SandMantas
They can market it as "goth," and I think that's approrpriate. I don't think there's ONE particular style of makeup that's goth. I will agree with you that Nocturnelle was perhaps closer to what's conventionally thought of as gothic makeup, but I dislike limiting makeup styles like that. I've seen many goth-y types rock vivid colors. Gothic-style makeup isn't just black and purple eyeshadow.
Additionally, there are plenty of goths and people who tend towards gothic styles who aren't paper-white.

I understand what you mean, and I agree with you. It´s just that, it is my experience inside and outside of the gothic "way of life" that it is the goths themselves who pinpoint every single thing, and label them as "goth" or "not goth" - and Andrew Eldritch forbid if you don´t wear or are goth all the time, hahaha. Kind of dumb and extremist, but usually the people who do this are pre-teens who outgrow this phase pretty quickly. And as far as skintone goes, I live in Brazil, hehehe, and 80% of the goths here aren´t white.
Sure, labelling anything is bad, including one single makeup style, or color palette, but unfortunately it´s a human tendency to label. I think that was my initial intention - now it´s coming back to me, hahaha - as I said to Prizessin that she shouldn´t be turned off by Balloonacy just because some items were being marketed as goth. Yeeah, labelling is bad. For everybody.


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by macslut
Please excuse my stupidity, but what sort of problems do people have? I have contacts but I am looking forward to the softsparkle pencils

I recall some of the girls here saying that the glitter from the pencil flaked off and would irritate their eyes or get into their contacts. I guess it just depends on the person. I wouldn't know, I don't wear contacts but instead wear ugly glasses, lol.


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Yep,.. some people can really cake those soft sparkle pencils on and then the glitter would flake off into the eye causing problems,.. I don't heat my pencils though so my application is just however much I can get on by applying it straight,...and I have never had a problem? I am in love with Goldenair,..

And Pink Xenomorph,.. I have fair hispanic girl coloring,.. (Grandmother from Puerto Rico and Great Grandmother from Spain) and I am as a matter of fact wearing Iris Accent SSP today,.. I would just be careful what you pair it with,.. the silvery sparkles mostly stand out in the one on me. I take both NW20 or NC20,.. I have an olive undertone. I find that since I dont really need a foundation either,.. I really like the Natural Mineralized Skinfinishes as foundations,.. very light and natural.

Ya know,. I think Helium is being underrated for this collection,.. When I go to my MAC store and try a new collection the first thing I do is grab a 242 and stripe my hand with an overcast shadestick in a couple places,.. I try the piggies (and shadows) dry and over the shadestick,.. Helium is very striking when applied wet or over a "tacky" product,.. if you don't do it this way sometimes when you go home you might get an unpleasant shock when you apply over your eye primer,... specially with the duo chromes,.. I have a few other pigments that do resemble this but they are more pink and less shiney/sparkely,... also,.. add a little reflects red glitter brilliant to this,.. and yeow,.. its really beautiful. Kinda what I was hoping cloudbound would be,....


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

I'm getting the pigments, because, well, I ALWAYS get the pigments, but I find this whole collection UGLY. :/


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by GothicGirl
.... this is sooooo not goth! ... GOTH?????? Where, in Emo-land???...

I kept hearing people say this was a "Goth" collection and was terribly confused. Nothing Goth about it, unless I am misunderstanding "Goth".



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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

according to MAC it was goth inspired but *shrug*
There are some girls I've seen who live that lifestyle who freaking wear AMAZING makeup, and none of it looks like this. :/


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

I wasn't gonna but, but i went to check it out yesterday. bought the quad ... and love it! i've gotten lots of compliments today.

also picked up the purple and green sparkle pencils.

but, i think that wraps it up for this release.


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

i'm not able to see this collection in person, but if I already have violet pigment, should I worry about getting viz-a-violet? The colors seem similar, but I'm wondering about reflection, texture, blendability, etc...


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by Shimmer
according to MAC it was goth inspired but *shrug*
There are some girls I've seen who live that lifestyle who freaking wear AMAZING makeup, and none of it looks like this. :/

The video they showed for the inspiration showed early goth/new wave/new romantic/punk type images. Siouxie & the Banshees, The Damned, Bauhaus, Cocteau Twins, etc... (love all of those bands).

I think it is more of a nod to that period than just a girl who wears black lipstick and listens to Switchblade Symphony. Even listening to some of the music that has been sneaking out on MAC's CDs, (when they had them) you can tell that somebody wanted to relive it, or I could, lol.


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Call me the odd ball, but I actually liked this collection. I am fairly new to Mac (have been buying consistently since Jan) and I feel like this collection had a pretty good selection of new stuff (or at least new to me)

I didn't pick up the pigments or the soft sparkle pencils because I was not too impressed with those, but I did get 3/4 lipsticks and lipglasses, as well as the quad and the mellow rave powder (a good contour imo)
All in all, whether its goth or not I picked up a bunch of things from Balloonacy because i didn't have colors like them and I liked them on me

The ma used a lot of it on me and I think it looked great


Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by talk2mesun
my counter did NOT have the paulina rubio lipstick out though, maybe ill have better luck with that. more money for summer collections i guess! bring on some msfs why dont you mac!

I heard (from a member of the MAC_Cosmetics Yahoogroup) that Rubia is only being sold at counters in California, Florida and Texas, and online. If that's true, maybe that's why they didn't have it?

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
And Pink Xenomorph,.. I have fair hispanic girl coloring,.. (Grandmother from Puerto Rico and Great Grandmother from Spain) and I am as a matter of fact wearing Iris Accent SSP today,.. I would just be careful what you pair it with,.. the silvery sparkles mostly stand out in the one on me. I take both NW20 or NC20,.. I have an olive undertone. I find that since I dont really need a foundation either,.. I really like the Natural Mineralized Skinfinishes as foundations,.. very light and natural.

Interestingly enough, I've got a cool violet-red undertone to my skin. I'm adopted--my birth-mother's from Peru and that's where I was born--so I have absolutely no idea where the coolness comes from since you'd think that a place that has that sort of climate and sun-exposure wouldn't produce anything cool-toned. Guess there are always exceptions.

Anyways! I usually only wear sparkly things with a little bit of light lipgloss, and even though silver looks okay on me, it was the pencil's purple base I was worried about. It looks a bit warm in the swatch on the MAC website and if anything's even the slightest bit warm (this is not including actual metallics like true bronze or true gold or anything of that nature) I look absolutely ridiculous. Warm things always pale out my skin for some absurd reason and make me look like I've got no pigmentation save for a bit of yellow.

And I shall try the Natural Mineralize Skinfinish! I have the Lightscapade Mineralize Skinfinish that my mum got me a while back, and only because it had blue in it (she knows how I adore that damn color) and surprisingly, I actually can wear it without going crazy and itching myself to oblivion. So I shall have to get one with a natural finish and see how I like it. In looking at the swatches, I'd probably wear either light or medium at the darkest. Still trying to figure out what number I'd wear for foundation and am still heavily confused. I do believe I'll have to go to the MAC counter to sort that one out.


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

I actually really liked this collection (and keep in mind that this is coming from someone who dyes her hair black and wears black everyday without necessarily considering herself "goth") and bought more than I thought I would. I think I appreciated it mostly because MAC sort of thought outside the box for this as a prom collection. I liked the last two prom collections, but one can only do the pastel sparkly thing so much, you know? I don't normally think of wearing orangey lips with purple eyes, but this makes me want to do it.

You have to think about this from a purely marketing perspective: it's advertised as the "prom" collection, which means the target is teenagers, many of whom may want some dramatic and "different" makeup, but won't necessarily want to show up to "OMG the biggest night of the teenage life cycle" looking like someone at a "goth" club. It's edgy while not being too crazy for the average teen, and still has some really nice colors (I almost fell over from shocked glee at seeing how HAWT Violet Trance was). Using the name "goth" in the marketing lets MAC say, "Okay, look how hot and different dark, purple eyes can be," and not necessarily, "We've decided that the prom look for the year is going to be styled after a Robert Smith hangover."


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Re: Balloonacy Discussion

Balloonacy. Hmmm... Humour me whilst I ramble.....

The Violet is well, a nice colour, but really similar to other violets from MAC. Helium is gorgeous in the pot, but you have to work to make it happen.

Pretty, but quite similar to colours I already have. Cloudbound is hot. It reminds me of White Wheat from the Inventive Eyes Quad from the Naturally Eccentric collection. It is a great cream/gold duochrome, which are always great for layering over dark bases. Layer it over a dark to mid tone green and you will probably have a good Lucky Green dupe.

Pink Meringue: Pretty, but I have it already.
Perky: This just made me sad. From the description I thought it would be an demi opaque cream formula (like C-Thru). I was hoping it would be similar to my beloved Fashion Spread LG. Not so much.
Out for Fun: Too much like the other 20k light pink LGs released in MAC's recent history.
Silly Girl: Pretty. Liked it.

Up Note: Too similar to other items I have.
Fun Fun: You all know how I feel about light to mid-tone pink lustre formulas. Yawn.
Full Blown: Niiiice
Festivity: Even better!

I loved the Vin Goth nailpolish. One of my fave nail combos of the moment is layering Chanel's Vamp over Chanel's Black Satin for a dark, rich berry. Vin Goth will give me that in one step, but with a bit more sparkle.

Goldenair and Mint and Olive Softsparkle pencils are BEAUTIFUL. Sadly though, they tend to drop sparkle under you eyes as the day goes on.

Highlight Powders don't really highlight me. I am an NW25, so they more bronze/contour/blush. Kind of sad that the frost is only an overspray. I was hoping the highlight powders would be a lovechild of MSFs and Couture powder. Not so much. I will say though..One of my fave MAs is an NW45 and those highlight powders absolutely glowed on her. They are super hotness on darker skin tones.

BTW: Plum Royale cremestick liner, Festivity lipstick and Silly Girl lipglass is pure sex! Gorgeous!

Well, that is the end of my dissertation on Balloonacy. Not that anyone asked, but hey, I've had a lot of coffee and I just got to typing. And typing, and typing and typing......


Well-known member
Re: Balloonacy Discussion

^^Thanks for your take on this. I was torn about getting the eye quad, but now I am glad I did not. I too have soooo many similar colors to this.
I did get Snob l/s, and when worn with Perky l/ THAT is a killer combo too!