MAC blush questions!


Well-known member
hey all!

i just got my hair dyed a lot darker last Saturday. it's now a super super dark brown, almost black, with reddish and chestnut undertones.
i've noticed some of my blushes just don't go with it so well any more.
so! i was wondering if y'all could recommend some MAC blushes that would complement my skintone, hair and eyes.
i'm a NW15-20 (more on the 15 side now because it's winter), i think that means i have yellow undertones (which i do), i have green eyes, and you know my hair now =)
oh, and blushes WITHOUT shimmer would be best because i have such oily oily skin and shimmer just makes my skin look all glimmery and sticky-looking and gross
not a good look.

thanks in advance!!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
My undertones are neutral to a little yellowish and I'm NC15. But if you do have yellowish undertones anyway I'd suggest well dressed, peaches and tenderling.