MAC brushes... am I picking the right ones?


Active member
Hi! I have 5 MAC brushes at the moment and am hoping to get 5 or 6 more soon. Do you think the ones below are the right choices for the purposes explained or do you have any other recommendations?

I currently have 3 MAC eye brushes: 239, 217, 219
At the moment I'm using the 239 to pack colour on the lid, the 219 for tear duct and undereye and the 217 doubling up for blending/crease and brow bone highlight.

I'm thinking of getting these 4 more: 222, 224, 266, 263
222: I like the 217 for blending but think something a little smaller would work better for my crease. My lid space is a little on the small side and the 217 isn't precise enough for my crease and sometimes muddys up the lid a little in the process. I have plenty of space between my crease and eyebrow though so the 217 is good for blending thare. The 222 looks longer but thinner than the 217 in pictures and seems to be a good brush. Will it work well for what I'm saying?
224: This looks too big for a blending brush on me but I was hoping it would work as a brow highlight brush. Since I'm using the 217 for blending and highlight I wanted to get a seperate brush for highlight only so I can keep it away from dark colours. I don't want another 217. Is the 224 ok for this? I see the 227 also but this looks too big also.
266: For filling in my brows with eyeshadow. I'm using a cheap brush for this at the moment but this seems to be the best MAC brush for it.
263: I haven't used gel liner yet but am planning on getting the bobbi brown one and using this with it. Hoping I'll be able to use it ok. I'm not good with the skinny long liquid liner brushes but I like the stubby hard ones. I know some people use the 266 for gel liner but I think the 263 is a little thinner so should be better for me to draw thinner lines. If I'm not good with this brush I'll prob eventually buy the 209 instead and use this for putting shadow on my upper lash line. Does it work ok with eyeshadow?

I own 2 MAC face brushes: 190, 116
The 190 works well with my foundation (EL double wear). I like but don't love the 116. At the moment I'm using it for both contour (with matte bronzer) and blush. I want to get another brush so I'll have one for each. I'm torn between the 129 and the 168. If I get the 168 then I'd use that for contour and it seems good, and use the 116 for blush, which I don't find it that great for. On the other hand I could get the 129 for blush and just use my 116 for contour (.. but then am I missing out on the 168?). I could get both but do I need both or which one should I choose?


Well-known member
I like the 109 for lining, and the 208 for brows.. I find the 266 too big and too smooth to apply powder products to eyebrows but some like to use it to line eyes. The 109 gives me the perfect tool for cat lines.. or fine fine lines.. easier to use than the 266.

I still love my 217 as it is perfect for the blending of the whole eye.. it doesn't work well as an applicator except for creamy concealers and spot concealing on face imo.

the 222 is a good little brush..

do they all have to be MAC?

there are great brushes from other companies too..


Well-known member
I used the 168 for blush this morning - it was amazing. The MUA at the Pro Store in Berlin told me that he uses 129 but I find that a bit scratchy, so I settled for 168 which has softer bristles.

For eyes, 263 is what the MUA also suggested for fluidlines etc. I currently use a 266 and it's not bad, but hey a girl's gotta achieve perfection ;) I love my 224, I use it for brow highlight and to blend MSF or neutral toned shades around my eye socket to smooth out eyeshadow. You can also use it for edges of your nose to smooth out your foundation and prevent cakiness.

Good luck! :)


Well-known member
I really like the 222 for my crease. I use the 217 first for the lighter crease colour and the 222 for a darker crease colour. These two brushes make the colours in the crease fade really nice form dark to lighter.
If you have a lot of space between you're crease and browbone i think the 227 would be better for highlighting then the 224. I have that brush too and it really isn't to big, just don't use the full side of the brush to apply shadow, but the upper half of one side (hope that made sence).

I have no experience with eyeliner brushes or contouring brushes form mac. I do have the 116 too and i really like it for blush, but i don't think it would work for contouring that well.

A Gurl Can Mac

Active member
The 213 is a great brush for packing on color. I can't think of the number but the medium angled brush is good to have as well. It helps with getting in the crease.


Well-known member
the 222 is an awesome crease brush so you should keep that on your list! it's better than the 217 for a more precise colour placemnet. and i bought the 224 and really love it. i use it with nothing on it to completely blend out my whole eye if i have used quite a few different colours. it makes a really nice gradient. also i have seen pixiwoo using it to apply concealer under their eyes and that works well. and for liner i personally prefer the 209 brush - really easy to use for begginers :) have fun buying your brushes!


Well-known member
^^ personally don't like the 213.. it is puny imo... but that's just me. I prefer the 239 for packing on colour.

the 222 and 224 are totally excellent brushes for application in crease and for blurring edges. I use the 217 for this too, as well as for concealer.

I, like Lou, do prefer the 209 for eyeliner application.. you can get a more precise line with this brush.

you may want to look at NARs no. 30 for crease application too.. it's a grood one.


Well-known member
^^ personally don't like the 213.. it is puny imo... but that's just me. I prefer the 239 for packing on colour.

the 222 and 224 are totally excellent brushes for application in crease and for blurring edges. I use the 217 for this too, as well as for concealer.

I, like Lou, do prefer the 209 for eyeliner application.. you can get a more precise line with this brush.

you may want to look at NARs no. 30 for crease application too.. it's a grood one.
oh yeah the 239 is the shit! seriously it is my most favourite brush.... so good that i have multiples of it! lol!
I use the 208 brush for my brows. It's perfect if I want to make them thinner, and makes shaping them thick easy. i have the 266 and personally find it a little big for brows.

Miss Berri

Well-known member
Unless you have a lot of lid space, I would pass on the 224 for a blending blush. Its too easy to overblend with. However, I love using it for under eye concealing as well as spot concealing. I also like to use it for highlighting my cheeks! Ooh another downfall, they dont last super long with out shedding. The alchol in brush cleaner really dries out the bristles

Go with the smaller of the two angled brushes (263 I think). It will be more precise for filling in brows and lining.

Get a 187! Its pricey but its a work horse! Its my fave for everything except studio tech. Its really allows you to pick up minimal color when using very pigmented blushes /bronzers/ cream blushes

You should also check out the sonia kashick line from target. Her blending brushes are fantastic and cheap! She also has a flat top buffer brush that is amazing for creams. Posh pencil brushes are nice too. Stay away from sigma brushes though! Total garbage!! They shed terribly.

If you want to try a small liner brush, hit up micheals. Liner brushes have to be replaced rather frequently and they even carry smaller ones than MAC for about $3.00 a peice. I think they actually last longer than the MAC liner brushs.


Well-known member
A mac rep told me to get the 252 but this thing is huge. She actually liked it better than the 239. What are your thoughts Ladies?

The brush cleanser is not good for our brushes? :(


Well-known member
I've been using the MAC brush cleaner for many many years, and I've never had any problems with my brushes. It takes me a while to get through the bottle, and I wonder if the formula has changed.

One of my fave MAC brushes is the 219 pencil brush. I love it for doing a smokey eye and for lining my lower lashes with my lid colour when I do a more neutral eye.