MAC carryall?


Well-known member
At the moment Im looking for something to store all my makeup in, but I cant afford a train case.

I was thinking of getting the mac carryall untill I do get myself a train case. But Im not 100% sure.

Do you guys think its value for money? Oh and how much is it

And do any of you know where I could get a reasonably cheap, but good quality traincase? Im going for the budget option untill my fiancee gets me the one Ive been eyeing off at MAC for Christmas.


Well-known member

yazmo is an american site, you'd pay heaps for postage to get it over here.

Lior, if you don't mind me asking, how much are you willing to spend on a carry bag/traincase for your make up?

Here's a site, I got my traincase here, it is having a clearance sale right now, so some items are on sale. There's all sorts of sizes and prices there. They're pretty reasonable with postage too, its a flat rate of $13. I live in NSW, this place is based in VIC.


Well-known member
ohh thanks for that bec.
Im looking to spend about $100 for the time being. I'll spend more when my collection gets a little bigger.


Well-known member
Don't bother with a traincase, they're limited as to what you can store in them and are prone to being stolen (I've posted before about the negatives of traincases in a couple of threads about travelling with makeup).

Look for a good squishy bag, almost like a soft cooler bag - you can jam heaps of product into them, they don't overheat and they're as cheap as chips.


Well-known member
I read some of your threads on that Lara, I do sympathise, I'd be furious if it happened to me. If your a bit anti traincase, can you suggest to us particular bags you have used/currently use you reccommend? Like brands, or have any links with pics?

I still love my traincase :p My traincase is pretty big, and I cam jam quite a bit in there.
Lior - I have the master make up artist case in the black. It's pretty spacey, can fit lots in.

It all depends on what you're comfortable with really, everyone has different tastes. Lara's suggestion seems like a good idea for travelling with your make up.


Well-known member

I posted this on my lj a couple of days ago, marvelling at how little I had to take on a particular job. The big suitcase is full of hair stuff (hot rollers, hot tongs, straightener, hairdryer, sprays, etc), the black and red case is my small travelling make-up bag and the other thing is my handbag, which is normally stuffed to the gils with random stuff I think I need to take with me. For big jobs I take two suitcases and a handbag that's almost ripping at the seams.

There's a full shoot worth of make-up in my squashy bag - look book (facecharts, etc), one blush pallette, four eyeshadow pallettes, four clamshells of Studio Tech, a palette of Kryolan creme foundation, two bottles of F&B, six clamshells of various powders & MSFs, a 15x10x15cm bag of misc items (mascara, gel eyeliners, small luminisers, creme highlighters, unpotted eyeshadows, etc etc etc), a pencil tin filled with eyeliners and lipliners, a MAC bag filled with lipsticks and glosses, brush belt, handtowel, plus bottles of make-up remover, luminisers, moisturisers various, bags of Dettol wipes, etc etc etc. The pocket at the front carries pens, an invoice book, business cards, and small crushables like false eyelash cases and consumables various. I still haven't unpacked it from Monday, I can take a decent photo of it later this afternoon.

I can seriously jam a lot into that case.

Edit: my bag is the one I was given as part of my old college kit. It's a bit daggy, but it's a good size for smaller jobs and it's taken a pretty heavy beating over time. You can get them at most make-up supply stores, but like I said, check out cooler/Esky bags at the hardware store - they work exactly the same and are much cheaper. Coming into summer, they're a godsend in hot weather - I stick a freezer brick wrapped in a tea-towel in the bottom of the bag and it keeps everything cool and unmelted all day long.


Well-known member
Thanks for that Lara

That's impressive that you can fill it up with so much stuff! I've actually seen those types of bags at the beauty supply stores when Ive been out and about, I always wondered how'd they go with wear and tear, but by the sounds of things, very well! I might have to invest in one now


Well-known member
Im a little wary of kit bags actually. Ive had several for my hairdressing stuff and every one I have owned fell apart within a month or 2

I own this mac case that I store all my eyeshadows that arent in palettes, 593

Its pretty good quality, I have had it for nearly a year and a half, I took it to the UK with me and it survived backpacking around Europe, being thrown around, getting wet etc. Lots of rough treatment really, and its still in great condition. So thats kinda making me want another MAC case.

Im looking at this one... 606

Its pretty much the prefect size for my needs right now, and when Im done with it I can use it to store my art materials for UNI when I need to bring them all onto campus - saves me lugging a big heavy wooden box full of pastels and paints

Anyone know how much it is?


Well-known member
Im bumping this again.

Does anyone know what the carryall costs? I would go into a MAC store and ask, or call. But Im without a car this week and my mobile phone got stolen - I dont have a land line where Im living at the moment.

I heard theyre being d/c so I want to get one before theyre not available any more.

Could someone call and find out for me? Please?


Well-known member
That's US$55.

Lior, I'm dropping by the Paddington store this morning, I'll try to remember to ask for the AU price for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
That's US$55.

Lior, I'm dropping by the Paddington store this morning, I'll try to remember to ask for the AU price for you.

I keep forgetting to look at which area of the world im in lol

im sorry!

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