MAC - Cinematics / Colorization Discussion


Well-known member
In my head I'm picturing palettes that are named after different movie stars of Old Hollywood, like Greta Garbo...


Well-known member
Yes....I am also thinking of products with names of legendary movies and stars!

And I hope that there will be special packaging featuring these movies and stars.....

Oooohhh.....I am so,so suuuper excited!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I'm not an expert on this at all, but I think to use images of stars and their films, Mac would have to jump through some hoops. I think it'll just be an inspired by collection. If they actually did get to use movie star images hand me the Bette Davis lipstick, please. That woman was fierce.


Well-known member
I'm not an expert on this at all, but I think to use images of stars and their films, Mac would have to jump through some hoops. I think it'll just be an inspired by collection. If they actually did get to use movie star images hand me the Bette Davis lipstick, please. That woman was fierce.
yeah i agree. if it does have anything to do with old Hollywood it will be inspired by rather than using actual pictures and such. it would cost them too much money and i bet they were all spent out after wonder woman and disney!


Well-known member
I love Bette Davis! Would love a lipstick inspired with her in mind. Same with Elizabeth Taylor who always seemed to rock the purple lipsticks.
Marilyn Monroe? A pink color perhaps?? Grace Kelly. We can go on and on. I just need to know more!!

I'm not an expert on this at all, but I think to use images of stars and their films, Mac would have to jump through some hoops. I think it'll just be an inspired by collection. If they actually did get to use movie star images hand me the Bette Davis lipstick, please. That woman was fierce.


Well-known member
Oooh I'm excited as well (finally!) I hope MAC will come up with something elegant and glamorous :)


Well-known member
If they do old Hollywood and can actually use movie star images I'm going to need something with Lena Horne. Call it Stormy Weather and no matter what the product is I'll buy it.


Well-known member
That's an awesome idea. I love Lena Horne!
I also had mentioned in some previous posts awhile ago, even Josephine Baker and Dorothy Dandridge would be an amazing addition to an old Hollywood collection.

If they do old Hollywood and can actually use movie star images I'm going to need something with Lena Horne. Call it Stormy Weather and no matter what the product is I'll buy it.


Well-known member
all you guys are having such wonderful ideas about what this collection is going to have!


Well-known member
I'm with Shontay on the Bette Davis lipstick. Oh my goodness, she's been a favorite actress in my family for 3 generations! My grandmother even traced her down while As Summers Die was filming for an autograph. But I also gotta have a Vivien Leigh eyeshadow or blush. She was one striking woman!

I'm not an expert on this at all, but I think to use images of stars and their films, Mac would have to jump through some hoops. I think it'll just be an inspired by collection. If they actually did get to use movie star images hand me the Bette Davis lipstick, please. That woman was fierce.


Specktra Bestie
I'm almost afraid to start thinking about this collection, because I don't want to be disappointed. I'm a huge fan of old movies and of classic movie stars, so the idea of a collection featuring screen luminaries just makes my heart flutter. Although I'm sure that there would be issues using actual photos, they could certainly use the names of screen stars or their movies- NARS does it all the time.


Well-known member
i hope seeing as this comes out in a coupl of months that more info will start to float around very soon :)


Well-known member
Maybe we will get a little hint of info from HG & Paparizziboy (can't spell today-sorry) when they are allowed to say a little something.
My heart is already fluttering about the possibilities.

MAC better not disappoint us or else!!!

i hope seeing as this comes out in a coupl of months that more info will start to float around very soon :)


Well-known member
well the collection has to be better than last year! all that was was dazzle lipsticks and then people could make their own quads - which we can do anyway!


Well-known member
I barely remember the dazzle lipsticks from last year Lou. I skipped on it. I have been doing pretty good with not buying from FF and Flighty. I'm still holding out hope that I won't buy from Surf Baby. I need to save my money for the upcoming collections. It really better be worth it since I'm missing out on some great stuff.

well the collection has to be better than last year! all that was was dazzle lipsticks and then people could make their own quads - which we can do anyway!