MAC Extra Dimension discussion


Well-known member
I got all 4 of the brushes for Semi Precious last year and use the 2 face ones every day! The 128 is the perfect blush brush for me - I use the natural hairs to apply powder product and then blend out with the synthetic side. In fact, I love it so much that a got a back up!
thanks for the advice folks - i'm sold on getting the 128 and the 286 with the SF and ED i'm planning to buy!


Well-known member
ok so i checked these out and i definitely like most of them..I couldn't swatch all of them because they weren't all there. Young venus was sold out!! I thought it was a nice really cool pink and since I don't have fresh ice, might as well (although fresh ice is available on the MAC website..hmmm..) Modern Pewter is divine and is definitely on my list. Havana is nice but is the same kind of bronze-y thing we always see...I have to think about it. Sweet heat is exactly the same as superb on my difference...very similar to tweet me on my hand (peachier) and to chanel emereville, hence a no-go for me. (neither is superb since I can only use so many peachy-pinky highlighters/eyeshadows). Rich Core is definitely nice, kinda like MUFE 311 (diamond burgundy)...which is why i promptly returned MUFE 311 I bought to let me think. I do like the MUFE version but seeing that I have MUFE AC 17 which is also similar I figured I need to think hard about it. Thoughts? Warm Thunder is pretty and not sheer. I may buy that one. Maybe list: Glorify (NC20 = robot look??? fake J.Lo?), WoG, MP, SH (talk me out of it pleaseeeeee), WT, RC, GG, YV, Lunar.


Well-known member
I've made some minor adjustments to my list since I already have so many browns, coppers, and bronzes, so I'm gonna stay away from those. Though it's really hard to limit my haul to four shades.
Blue Orbit
Grand Galaxy
Rich Core
Warm Thunder


Well-known member
Does anyone think it would work depotting these and putting them in a palette?
I'm assuming you Are thinking a z palette? A few things to consider: I wouldnt put near powders as the transfer of the two products may ruin your edes, secondly ensure your palette is air tight as to not dry the e/s out.


Well-known member
Well crap. I was going to skip this collection. Then I saw the swatches for the skin finishes and decided to get Superb. I have Modern Mercury but have used it sparingly since it was LE and nearly impossible to get at a regular price now. Since Superb is so close I will pick up one of those.

I emailed my decision to my wonderful MAC MUA who is doing my preorder for TC. We are identical in skin tone as well as hair and eye color and personal tastes. I asked her what she thought about these. She said she loved them and ordered all 3 and thought I should too. She has never made a recommendation like this to me before. Makes me think I will be making a mistake if I don't do it.


Well-known member
On second thought, I'm going to shorten the list even further to Blue Orbit and Grand Galaxy. I'm in desperate need of new clothes for the summer.


Well-known member
i'll be buying whisper of guilt, superb, grand galaxy and rich core :) only four items for me i have decided. am trying to not buy as much right now because i'm starting to feel slightly overwhelmed at the size of my collection and scared that i'm not going to use it up before certain things go off! i think i'm looking forwrad to the skin finishes the most though :)


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I have the same problem. Getting unique colors to my collection sounds like a good idea but it is the colors that I love the most (neutrals, bronzes) that I would probably get the most use. I got Havana for that reason. I know these colors work for me. From all the past collections (semi precious included - I still use the coppery color the most). I figured I didn't really need Havana but would probably regret it if I didn't get it. When I got home, I put Havana all over the lid and I really liked the look. I usually don't wear colors that dark all over the lid. The next day, I wanted to try more of the colors so I just went with Sweet Heat on the lid and Havana on the crease and outer V.

As for the brushes. . . I noticed this morning while searching the Nordstrom spring make up collections that the Extra Dimension promo image was up but only the brushes are available as of yet. I picked up the brushes Thursday but really haven't played with them yet. I really liked the eyeshadow brush that I picked up with the other collection (Semi-Precious???) so I figured I'd get the others.
Those brushes have been on the site since Semi-Precious, so they probably just moved them into the Extra Dimension section :) I still expect ED, TC and RS will either Monday or Tuesday, but that's just my estimate.


Well-known member
For anybody who is thinking of getting any of the brushes, I highly recommend them. I love both face brushes from semi precious and regularly use them to apply foundation.


Well-known member
I can NOT ddecide between WoG and Superb. I've tried and tried. Can only get one. Someone decide for me, lol. Really.


Well-known member
I can NOT ddecide between WoG and Superb. I've tried and tried. Can only get one. Someone decide for me, lol. Really.

What's your skintone? I prefer WoG because Superb is slightly darker than my skin (C35 right now, self tanner is wearing off haha) and I don't like that. I like when it's lighter, but not darker. I would have used it as a blush but it's just too shimmery.


Well-known member
It does. I think I'll buy Whisper of Gilt online and check out the other two in store on Friday morning. I'm only going to get the things I 100% want online so I want be tempted to buy more just because they will sell out. I need to curb my spending a bit.



Well-known member
I just wrote my review (french) for Superb Skinfinish Highlighter, with comparison swatches:


Well-known member
What's your skintone? I prefer WoG because Superb is slightly darker than my skin (C35 right now, self tanner is wearing off haha) and I don't like that. I like when it's lighter, but not darker. I would have used it as a blush but it's just too shimmery.

I agree, I wouldn't use any of them as a blush either.


Well-known member
For anyone who is interested Blue Orbit is identical to Cornflower pigment in color, and Cornflower pigment has a tiny bit more shine to it, but the difference is barely noticeable.


Well-known member
On second thought, I'm going to shorten the list even further to Blue Orbit and Grand Galaxy. I'm in desperate need of new clothes for the summer.

I played with Grand Galaxy last night. I really loved it. It was very pigmented. I used my big fluffy #227 brush because I usually like a sheer wash of color on the lid but I got the same amount of color I usually get with a more compact brush head. The color was vibrant. I don't know how to describe the finish. It looked like I had applied it wet but I didn't. It was like it was opaque but with a sheer effect. I know that doesn't make sense so I can't wait for more people to get the products and weigh in on the finish. I did try Dark Dare in the crease and I didn't like the way that looked. It just sort of washed out the color in the outer corner without adding anything to the look. I thought to wet it but I didn't. Dark Dare might work better for the lid or crease than outer corner. I have to play around with Dark Dare next. I also used Restores Dazzle Creme Blush and Narcissus cremesheen glass. I liked the look and may wear it tomorrow. I can't wait to get my hands on more of these shadows. I think the finish will be great for summer.


Well-known member
Seriously? I have been dying to get my hands on Blue Orbit while I have a jar full of Cornflower in my drawer.
This could enable me to get Rich Core.
For anyone who is interested Blue Orbit is identical to Cornflower pigment in color, and Cornflower pigment has a tiny bit more shine to it, but the difference is barely noticeable.