maybe it's a sign that you should buy instead?haha! but yeah I love it it's sooo preetty I got it and cheek pollen too and both are lovely
It's SUPER pretty...would look lovely on you...
I didn't manage to resist and bought both SB and Sprinkle of Magic Lipstick today. Surprisingly, nothing but ATF is sold out at my counter yet. I really understand the hope that something sells out, so that this darn temptation comes to an end, lol. Haven't tried the blush on my cheeks yet but I've just tried the lipstick on. It's 10 p.m. here and I'm in my jammies already with messed up hair and the lighting is sooo off, but I'm constantly looking in the mirror because that lipstick is so incredibly flattering on me. Cannot wait to try it together with the blush. At first, I thought SB was similar to Supercontinental because of swatches here, but SC turns out a lot more orange on my skintone.
Ugh yea, you are all right. I think I just have to buy it. Otherwise whenever it does sell out, I will be all sad LOL. I really want Sprinkle of Magic too...
how are the eyeshadows? is it worth getting 2-3 pieces for the high price or not? I really like the look of faerie fayre, magic in your eyes and joy toy/fairy land
I have FF, MIYE, and JT. Ultimately, I'm happy to have them enough to not return them, but I'm not sure I would buy all 3 again. My favorite by far is FF. I think JT is just a lighter slightly more gold version, so it complements well. MIYE is really pretty, but I get terrible fallout with it even with primer (I know a lot of people have been raving about no fallout, but that's not true for me with this shade). I don't have that issue so much with the other two, though. They are VERY sparkly, so you have to like that. My rec would be to grab one and good from there.
I am regretting Pearl Sunshine. It swatches beautifully with my finger, but when applied to my cheek, all that beautiful shimmer just goes away. Wonder if I am applying it incorrectly![]()
I ended up with Among the Fireflies. It looked like One of a Kind and Hot chocolate to me. I'll post pics later.
I'm sorry that I cannot help you concerning the shimmer (maybe you could try a different brush), but PS didn't work on me as well, not even as a blusher. It swatched like butter and I really could swipe my finger tips through that pan all the time, but on my face, it looked as if I had dirt on my cheeks or like a bad foundation choice. I'm generally cool-toned and quite pale, but my skin has a yellow undertone. It's such a pity PS didn't work for me, but I was lucky enough to try it at the counter before making a bad purchase. Hope somebody can help you so that you can enjoy yours!
In response to @leonah (sorry, quote not working for me) I really like them-they aren't super finely milled but very usable and pretty. I own five at this point, they're so blendable. Used wet they really pop.
It did the same on me!! I had to put a highlight over it to make it work. Unfortunately I've thrown the box away or I'd take it back.
where did you buy it?
If you're asking me, I got it at a MAC counter. Still have receipt.