MAC Foundation Shades


Do the NC shades work for yellow/olive-toned skins? I've noticed that the NC shades look somewhat "peachy". It looks okay on my face, but if I pull my hair back, my face doesn't match my neck and doesn't seem to blend in with the rest of me (chest, shoulders).

Also, is the foundation supposed to match my face, or my neck color?



Well-known member
I have yellow/olive skin and I wear Studio Fix in C. It's the closest match I could find in MAC. Problem is their C range is limited to a few formulas. I was looking for a liquid foundation awhile back and ended up buying NC in Hyper Real. The peach isn't as obvious once blended, maybe due to the shimmer. So I guess it could work depending on the coverage/finish. I still suggest you test it first.

I *try* to match my face with my neck.