MAC Haul to tied me over till my A Muse order comes in (PIC)


Well-known member

I'm still waiting for my huge A Muse order to come
in the mail. I went to the counter today to buy
new weed sence I didn't order it and I keep hearing
raves about it. I also tried teh Illusionary/Burning Ambition
duo and loved it so much and didn't want to wait for mine
to come in. This one is worth having a back up of! How unique.
The Blonde on Blonde lipstick I got with B2M.

- Illusionary Burning Ambition
- New Weed Fluidliner
- Blonde on Blonde Lipstick
- A Muse post card


Well-known member
Nice haul! Let us know about your online haulage! I am dying to know... hehehe =P