MAC help needed, do these sound ok for smokey eyes?


Active member
Hi everyone

Just found this site and i'm already addicted! Was just wondering if these eyeshadows sound ok for a smokey eye look:

*Knight Divine

Any help is much appreciated

Many thanks x


Active member
Fantastic! Thank you both

My friend is picking up an empty palette for me tomorrow from the Pro store and i can't wait to fill it
Hoping these will be a good start


Well-known member
sounds great! you might want to add a lighter shade like frost pigment or prismique for a highlight. have fun! : )


Active member
WOW you look fantastic Glitziegal!

ccarp - I have Naked Lunch, do you think that would work or is it best to buy something like Vanilla?

I'm choosing these colours from pics off here and the site swatches as i can't get to a counter and my Fiance is going xmas shopping tomorrow
Not that i will be hinting to him or anything *ahem*


Well-known member
WOW you look fantastic Glitziegal!

Thank you

Your highlight is really dependant on your skin tone. I am NW15 and really like Phloof, and Nylon.

Naked Lunch is a great neutral lid shade for me but I have seen it used to great effect as a highlighter on medium to dark skintones. Vanilla pigment is a very, very versatile colour on most skintones and great value, as it will last absolutely forever. You can use it on your eyes, as a highlighter on your face, added to nail polish and loads more.

Maybe let us know your skintone even if it is just fair, medium, etc....great job getting the fella to pick it up for you.

Good luck and let us know how it all turns out.


Active member
I'm a NW25, edging towards NW30 when really tanned.

Vanilla sounds like a good investment though, i notice it being used on a lot of the tutorials *adds to list*

Thanks for all the help